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Orderly SDK

Orderly SDK is a complete library to interact with Orderly contracts and rest api. You can use it in the browser. Orderly contracts are built on NEAR network.


Library is written fully in Typescript, so no additional types installation is needed.


Available clients

  1. contractsApi - asset manager smart contract client;
  2. ftClient - fungible token smart contract client;
  3. restApi - REST API client.
  4. wsPublic - Publis WebSocket. Wallet connection not required.
  5. wsPrivate - Private WebSocket. Wallet connection required.


To initialize these clients you will need:

  1. For asset manager contract client - SDK configration options;
  2. For fungible token contract client - contract URL and SDK configration options;
  3. For REST client - SDK configration options;

SDK configuration options is an object with the next properties:

  1. networkId - NEAR network id to which we want to connect when we are working with the SDK. Currently Orderly contracts are deployed to testnet and mainnet (fungible token contract is deployed only to testnet).

Note: You can read about NEAR CLI here

Also, for smart contract clients, if you want to change the NEAR configuration options, pass them as the last parameter in their constructors.

First steps

After instantiating the smart contract client, call the connect function.

import { AuthClient } from 'orderly-sdk';

const authClient = new AuthClient({
  networkId: 'testnet',
  contractId: 'asset-manager.orderly.testnet'

// you can bind that to connection button
await authClient.connect()

const api = await authClient.restApi()
const contract = await authClient.contractsApi();
const ft = await authClient.ftClient();

Also you can use public API as well without connection.

import { AuthClient } from 'orderly-sdk';

const authClient = new AuthClient({
  networkId: 'testnet',
  contractId: 'asset-manager.orderly.testnet',
  debug: true

const pubClient = authClient.publicClient();
await pubClient.getAvailableSymbols()

To avoid version conflicts of near-js-api you can import it from SDK.

import { AuthClient } from 'orderly-sdk';

const authClient = new AuthClient({
  networkId: 'testnet',
  contractId: 'asset-manager.orderly.testnet',
  debug: true

const nearApi = authClient.nearJsApi

Public WebSocket

Note: When user not connected you can use public key for wsPublic bf6eb263984c964a0cda3e9a35aa486268eea085d9b90fe792c8f9ad7e129a2c

    const [wsClientPublic, setWsClientPublic] = useState(null);

    const initPublicWs = () => {
      const authClient = new AuthClient({
        networkId: 'testnet',
        contractId: 'asset-manager.orderly.testnet',
        debug: true

      const publicKeyOrWalletID = 'bf6eb263984c964a0cda3e9a35aa486268eea085d9b90fe792c8f9ad7e129a2c'

      const wsPublic = authClient.wsClientPublic('testnet', publicKeyOrWalletID);

    const subscribe = () => {
      const subscription = { id: 'client_id1', event: 'subscribe', topic: 'SPOT_WOO_USDC@trade' };

    const setPublicWsCallback = () => {
      wsClientPublic.setMessageCallback((message) => {
        // Process the received message
        console.log('Received data:', message);

Private WebSocket

Required wallet connection

    const [wsClientPrivate, setWsClientPrivate] = useState(null);

    const initPrivateWs = async () => {
      const authClient = new AuthClient({
        networkId: 'testnet',
        contractId: 'asset-manager.orderly.testnet',
        debug: true

      const wsPrivate = await authClient.wsClientPrivate();
      await wsPrivate.connectPrivate();

    const subscribePrivate = () => {
      const subscription = {
        "id": "123r",
        "topic": "balance",
        "event": "subscribe"

    const setPublicWsCallback = () => {
      wsClientPrivate.setPrivateMessageCallback((message) => {
        // Process the received message
        console.log('Received data:', message);

Asset manager contract

Documentation can be found here.


Path: <Asset Manager Contract Client Instance>.storage.<method (described above)>

Orderly asset manager contract implements NEP-145 protocol, so has next methods according to it:

  • deposit - method to deposit NEAR into storage from account.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    amount number Yes Amount of NEAR to add to storage deposit
  • withdraw - method to withdraw NEAR from storage into account.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    amount string No Amount of NEAR to withdraw from storage into account; can be ommited, then whole available deposit will be returned into account
  • balance - method to get current storage balance.


    Parameters: None

  • unregister - unregisters user from contract, withdraws available deposit and removes all keys.


    Right now throws an error, because is planned for the next release

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    force boolean No If true will ignore account balances (burn them) and close the account; if false (or omitted) and caller has a positive registered balance it will throw an error

Other methods

Path: <Asset Manager Contract Client Instance>.<method (described above)>

  • depositNEAR - this method is used to deposit NEAR to your account.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    amount number Yes How much NEAR to deposit
      await contract.depositNEAR(amount)
  • withdraw - this method is used to withdraw tokens from your account in contract.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    token string Yes Token to withdraw from account
    amount number Yes How much tokens to withdraw
      await contract.withdraw({token: 'usdc.orderly.testnet', amount: 50000000})
  • isTokenListed - this method is used to check if token is whitelisted for your account on the contract.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    token string Yes Token to check
      await contract.isTokenListed('usdc.orderly.testnet')
  • isSymbolPairListed - this method is used to check if symbol pair is whitelisted for your account on the contract.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    pair string Yes Symbol pair to check
      await contract.isSymbolPairListed('SPOT_NEAR_USDC')
  • getPossibleTokens - this method is used to get all whitelisted tokens for your account on the contract.

      await contract.getPossibleTokens()
  • userRequestSettlement - Public payable method enabling the user to request to settle the account's futures positions PnL.

      await contract.userRequestSettlement()
  • getUserTokenBalance - this method is used to check account tokens balance.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    user string No Wallet address. If empty then will return balance of connected user
      await contract.getUserTokenBalance('user.near')
  • storageBalanceOf - this method is used to get storage balance of user.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    accountId string Yes Account id of user
      await contract.storageBalanceOf(accountId)
  • storageUsageOf - this method is used to get storage usage of user.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    accountId string Yes Account id of user
      await contract.storageUsageOf(accountId)

    Parameters: None

Fungible token contract

  • deposit - this method is used to deposit fungible token to your account.
    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    amount number Yes How much tokens to deposit
    ftTokenContract string Yes Token contract address, for example usdc.orderly.testnet
      await ft.deposit(100000000, 'usdc.orderly.testnet')

REST client

Documentation can be found here

REST client consists of the next clients:

  • public - public methods client;
  • orders - orders methods client;
  • trade - trade methods client;
  • user - user methods client.

Public methods

  • getSymbolOrderRules - this endpoint provides all the values for the rules that an order need to fulfil in order for it to be placed successfully.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes Symbol for which to get order rules
      await api.public.getSymbolOrderRules('SPOT_NEAR_USDC')
  • getAvailableSymbols - get available symbols that Orderly Network supports, and also send order rules for each symbol.

      await api.public.getAvailableSymbols()

    Parameters: None

  • getFeeInformation - get the latest Orderly Network fee structure.

      await api.public.getFeeInformation()

    Parameters: None

  • getMarketTrades - get latest market trades.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes For which symbol to get latest market trades
    limit number No How may records to return
      await api.public.getMarketTrades('SPOT_NEAR_USDC', 10)
  • getPredictedFundingRateForAll - get predicted funding rate for all.

    Get the:

    • last_funding_rate : latest hourly funding rate for all the markets for the last funding period (dt = 60s)
    • last_average_funding_rate : average of all funding rates on the last hour (ex: 10am-11am)
    • est_funding_rate : rolling average of all funding rates over the last hour (ex: current time - 1hour : 10:15 -11:15 am)
      await api.public.getPredictedFundingRateForAll()
  • getPredictedFundingRateForOne - get predicted funding rate for symbol.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes For which symbol to get funding rate
      await api.public.getPredictedFundingRateForOne('PERP_BTC_USDT')
  • getFundingRateHistoryForOneMarket - Get funding rate for one market.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes For which symbol to get funding rate
    start_t timestamp No start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
    end_t timestamp No end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
    page number No the page you wish to query.
    size number No Default: 60
      const payload = {
        symbol: 'PERP_BTC_USDC',
        page: 1,
        size: 5
      await api.public.getFundingRateHistoryForOneMarket(payload)
  • getFundingRateHistoryPerHourForOneMarket - Get average funding rate per hour for one market.

    Put a limit to the time window : if between start_t and end_t , the number of data is larger than limit, return data from start_t to start_t + limit.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes For which symbol to get funding rate
    start_t timestamp No start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
    end_t timestamp No end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
    page number No the page you wish to query.
    size number No Default: 60
      const payload = {
        symbol: 'PERP_BTC_USDC',
        page: 1,
        size: 5
      await api.public.getFundingRateHistoryPerHourForOneMarket(payload)
  • getFuturesInfoForAllMarkets - Get basic futures information for all the markets.

      await api.public.getFuturesInfoForAllMarkets()
  • getFuturesForOneMarket - Get basic futures information for one market.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes For which symbol to get futures information
      await api.public.getFuturesForOneMarket('PERP_BTC_USDT')
  • getPositionsUnderLiquidation - Get positions under liquidation.

      await api.public.getPositionsUnderLiquidation()
  • getPositionsUnderLiquidationPerPerpMarket - Get positions under liquidation by symbol.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes For which symbol to get information
      await api.public.getPositionsUnderLiquidationPerPerpMarket('PERP_BTC_USDT')
  • getLiquidatedPositionsInfo - Get liquidated positions info.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes For which symbol to get info
    start_t timestamp No start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
    end_t timestamp No end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
    page number No the page you wish to query.
    size number No Default: 60
      const payload = {
        symbol: 'PERP_BTC_USDC',
        page: 1,
        size: 5
      await api.public.getLiquidatedPositionsInfo(payload)
  • getInsuranceFundInfo - Get insurance fund info.

      await api.public.getInsuranceFundInfo()
  • getFuturesFeeInformation - Get the current Orderly Network fee structure.

      await api.public.getFuturesFeeInformation()

Orders client

  • create - place order.
    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes Token symbol
    client_order_id string No Customized order_id, a unique id among open orders
    order_type enum Yes Order type. Possible values are: LIMIT/MARKET/IOC/FOK/POST_ONLY/ASK/BID.
    order_price number No If order_type is MARKET, then is not required, otherwise this parameter is required
    order_quantity number No For MARKET/ASK/BID order, if order_amount is given, it is not required.
    order_amount number No For MARKET/ASK/BID order, the order size in terms of quote currency
    visible_quantity number No The order quantity shown on orderbook. (default: equal to order_quantity)
    side enum Yes Order side. Possible values are: SELL/BUY.
      const order = {
        symbol: 'SPOT_NEAR_USDC',
        order_type: 'LIMIT',
        side: 'BUY',
        order_price: 1.11,
        order_quantity: 2.00000000
      await api.orders.create(order)
  • createBatch - places multiple orders at once.
    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    orders array Yes Array of objects used for create order request
      const order1 = {
        symbol: 'SPOT_NEAR_USDC',
        order_type: 'LIMIT',
        side: 'BUY',
        order_price: 1.11,
        order_quantity: 2.00000000
      const order2 = {
        symbol: 'SPOT_WOO_USDC',
        order_type: 'LIMIT',
        side: 'BUY',
        order_price: 0.12,
        order_quantity: 10.00000000
      await api.orders.createBatch([order1, order2])
  • cancel - cancels placed request.
    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes Token symbol
    order_id number ID of the order; required if client_order_id is not provided
    client_order_id number client_order_id of the order; required if order_id is not provided
      const cancleOrderRequest = {
        symbol: 'SPOT_NEAR_USDC',
        order_id: 12345
      await api.orders.cancle(cancleOrderRequest)
  • cancelBatch - cancels multiple placed orders for symbol.
    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes Token symbol
      await api.orders.cancelBatch({symbol: 'SPOT_NEAR_USDC'})
  • getOrder - gets order by client_order_id or order_id.
    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    order_id number ID of the order; required if client_order_id is not provided
    client_order_id number client_order_id of the order; required if order_id is not provided
      await api.orders.getOrder({order_id: 12345})
  • getOrders - gets multiple orders by provided params.
    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string No Which token to query orders for
    side enum No Which order side orders to get. Possible values are: BUY/SELL.
    order_type enum No Which order type orders to get. Possible values are LIMIT/MARKET
    order_tag string No An optional tag for the order.
    status enum No Which order status orders to get. Possible values are: NEW/CANCELLED/PARTIAL_FILLED/FILLED/REJECTED/INCOMPLETE/COMPLETED
    start_t number No Start time range that wish to query, noted the time stamp is 13-digits timestamp.
    end_t number No End time range that wish to query, noted the time stamp is 13-digits timestamp.
    page number No The page wish to query (default: 1).
    size number No The page size wish to query (default: 25, max: 500)
      await api.orders.getOrders({})
  • getOrderbook - get snapshot of current orderbook.
    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes Token symbol for which to get the snapshot
    max_level number No The levels wish to show on both side (default: 100).
      await api.orders.getOrderbook('SPOT_NEAR_USDC', 10)

Trade client

  • getKline - get the latest klines of the trading pairs.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes Token symbol for which to get klines
    type enum Yes Which kline type to get 1m/5m/15m/30m/1h/4h/12h/1d/1w/1mon/1y
    limit number No Number of klines to get (default: 100, maximum: 1000).
      const getKlineData = {
        symbol: 'SPOT_NEAR_USDC',
        type: '1h',
        limit: 100
  • getOrderTrades - get specific order trades by order_id.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    order_id number Yes ID of the order
  • getTrades - get client’s trades history in a range of time.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string No Token symbol for which to get trades
    tag string No An optional tag for the order.
    start_t number No Start time range that wish to query, noted the time stamp is 13-digits timestamp.
    end_t number No End time range that wish to query, noted the time stamp is 13-digits timestamp.
    page number No The page wish to query (default: 1).
    size number No The page size wish to query (default: 25)
      await{symbol: 'SPOT_NEAR_USDC'})
  • getTrade - get specific transaction detail by trade id.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    tradeId number Yes ID of the trade
  • getFundingFeeHistory - Get funding fee history. Put a limit to the time window : if between start_t and end_t , the number of data is larger than limit, return data from start_t to start_t + limit.

    • Max (24h) = 8640
    • Default (3 hour of data)= 1080
    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes For which symbol to get funding rate
    start_t timestamp No start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
    end_t timestamp No end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
    page number No the page you wish to query.
    size number No Default: 60
      const payload = {
        symbol: 'PERP_BTC_USDC',
        page: 1,
        size: 5
  • getLiquidatedPositionsByLiquidator - Get liquidated positions by Liquidator.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes For which symbol to get
    start_t timestamp No start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
    end_t timestamp No end time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp. If start_t and end_t are not filled, the newest funding rate will be returned.
    page number No the page you wish to query.
    size number No Default: 60
      const payload = {
        symbol: 'PERP_BTC_USDC',
        page: 1,
        size: 5
  • getLiquidatedPositionsOfAccount - Get liquidated positions by Liquidator.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string No For which symbol to get
    start_t timestamp No start time range that you wish to query, noted that the time stamp is a 13-digits timestamp.
    end_t timestamp No end time range that wish to query, noted the time stamp is 13-digits timestamp.
    page number No the page you wish to query.
    size number No the page size you wish to query. (max: 500)
      const payload = {
        symbol: 'PERP_BTC_USDC',
        page: 1,
        size: 5
  • claimLiquidatedPosition - claim liquidated position.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    liquidation_id number Yes ID
    ratio_qty_request number Yes What ratio of the available liquidated position quantities liquidator is claiming (max 100%)
    extra_liquidation_ratio number No Range between [0-1]. Only if ratio_qty_request is equal to 100% : this represents the extra ratio the liquidator is ready to claim in case the real position quantities to be liquidated at the real time mark price is higher than the ones posted on endpoints.
      const payload = {
        liquidation_id: 123,
        ratio_qty_request: 1,
  • getAllPositionInfo - get all positions info.

  • getOnePositionInfo - get position info by symbop.

    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    symbol string Yes For which symbol to get

User client

  • getCurrentHolding - get holding summary of the user.
    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    all boolean No If true then will return all token even if balance is empty.
      await api.account.getCurrentHolding(true)
  • getInformation - get account information.
      await api.account.getInformation()
    Parameters: None
  • getAssetHistory - get asset history, includes token deposit/withdraw and collateral deposit/withdraw.
    Parameter name Type Is required? Description
    token string No Token name you want to search
    side enum No Which history record type to query. Possible values are: DEPOSIT/WITHDRAW
    status enum No Which status to search. Possible values are: NEW/CONFIRM/PROCESSING/COMPLETED/FAILED
    start_t number No Start time range that wish to query, noted the time stamp is 13-digits timestamp.
    end_t number No End time range that wish to query, noted the time stamp is 13-digits timestamp.
    page number No The page wish to query (default: 1).
      await api.account.getAssetHistory({side: 'DEPOSIT'})


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