Using VanillaJS I have implemented small project to visualize the pathFinding Algorithm. There are many algorithm to traverse a graph like DFS, BFS, GREEDY-BFS, DIJKSTRA, A-STAR etc. This project how different algorithms searches for the path and how it decides which path is SHORTEST as all the ALGORITHMS ARE NOT SAME. Algorithms like DIJKSTRA as well as A-STAR is best to search for SHORTEST PATH but DFS will not always find the SHORTEST PATH. BFS cant work alone to find the SHORTEST PATH as for the result it has to mantain a costtable to find required path.
After watching Clement Project on youtube , I came to know that we can use these algorithms to even create a maze. There are many algorithms which can be used to generate maze and RECURSIVE DIVISION is one of them. Similarly after generationg maze we can check if PATHFINDING ALGORITHMS finds the shortest Path.
This project was developed during 21-DAY LOCKDOWN in INDIA during COVID-19.