Daty is a free cross-platform advanced Wikidata editor adhering to GNOME Human Interface Guidelines, intended to enable better editing workflow and faster deployment of requested user features. Use Daty to search, select, read, batch edit items, script actions, share, visualize proposed changes and bots.
Daty is written in Python 3 and it uses GTK+ 3.0 python bindings for interface organization and drawing.
It has a progressive layout thanks to libhandy and uses pywikibot as a backend.
The development of the current version (1.0β) has been made possible thanks to a sponsorship provided by Wikimedia CH.
Endorse the project on Wikidata to help the development get funds.
An overview of what you will find in the stable 1.0 version is available at project presentation page.
- Search and open entities through elastic search;
- Search and open entities with filters;
- Read entities and follow their values;
- Mobile view;
- Open entities search;
- Property In-page search;
- Edit statements;
- Create new statements;
- Mass-edit statements.
You can download the installer here.
The package daty-git
has been published on AUR.
sudo apk add gcc musl-dev python3-dev
pip install --user daty
# apt install python3-gi gir1.2-gtk-3.0 python3-pip libhandy-0.0-0
# pip3 install pywikibot daty
Provided you have already installed on your system
* pygobject >= 3.20
* Gtk >= 3.20
* libhandy >= 0.0.4
* pywikibot >= 3.0
you can install daty from Pypi.
Hardware or contributors needed.
Open GNOME Builder, click the "Clone..." button, paste the repository url.
Clone the project and hit the button to start building Daty.
Depending on your distribution you could have to run
systemctl --user start xdg-desktop-portal
in order to build the flatpak with GNOME Builder.
# Clone Daty repository
git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Daty.git
cd daty
# Add Flathub repository
flatpak remote-add flathub --if-not-exists https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
# Install the required GNOME runtimes
flatpak install flathub org.gnome.Platform//3.30 org.gnome.Sdk//3.30
# Start building
flatpak-builder --repo=repo ml.prevete.Daty flatpak/ml.prevete.Daty.json --force-clean
# Create the Flatpak
flatpak build-export repo ml.prevete.Daty
flatpak build-bundle repo ml.prevete.Daty.flatpak ml.prevete.Daty
# Install the Flatpak
flatpak install ml.prevete.Daty.flatpak
meson _build --prefix=/usr
sudo ninja -C _build install
Provided you have installed
* pygobject >= 3.20
* Gtk >= 3.20
* libhandy >= 0.0.4
* pywikibot >= 3.0
You just need to enter in the cloned directory and run
$ sudo python3 setup.py install
$ daty
Sphinx documentation for the project can be built running
$ python3 setup.py build_sphinx
You can then read the main page of the built html documentation directing your browser to doc/build/html/index.html
It will be made directly available online after the code will stabilize.
This program is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later by Pellegrino Prevete.
If you find this program useful, consider endorsing the project, offering me a beer, a new computer or a part time remote job to help me pay the bills.