Accept a city name and find the weather data for that city
Show the map of that entered city on right hand side
Show the weather details of that city on Left hand side. Show min temp, max temp, wind, clounds, sunrise, sunset etc.
Use logos or icons while showing the data. ( you can show logo of sunrise, sunset etc ) Searchbar should be on top. In the same weather app, show daily forecast of a city for next 7 days.
You can show this data on new html page or same one as well, your choice.
I have done this project individually and build the Weather App where user can search any city weather and on his/her location . I hope you will enjoy the reading….
- User can view the weather in his/her current location.
- User can toggle the temperature unit (Celsius or Fahrenheit).
- Weather icon or background image will change depending on weather conditions.
- User can search for weather information of other places.
HTML CSS JavaScript