A web application created with Spring Boot for backend, MsSql database for storing information and ReactJS for frontend . The main idea of the project is to handle CRUD operations on a website for an imaginary company called Energy And Power Systems Corporate Office.
Backend needs to be started at 8080 port and the front end needs to be started at 3000 port with seperate configuration and run operations. After activating both, visit 3000 port the interact with the web ui. For all entities, CRUD operations are available to use by going related tab. Relative informations can be seen on tables that are printed below CRUD operations.
There are products and some special products (generator, motor, UPS) which made by this company. There are two types of customers, an individual customer and an enterprise. Products are created and stored inside offices (assume each office has a warehouse). There are multiple offices and multiple employees can work for a office. Also an employee can work for more than one office. Offices are giving services like fix or maintenance to customer's products. Also the products are created with materials that are supplied by suppliers.