- Install the latest version of Docker and Docker Compose. On MacOS and Windows, both are bundled inside the Docker Desktop application.
- Using a Linux operating system like Ubuntu is strongly recommended.
- On Windows, make sure to use a bash-like terminal.
- Clone the project using
git clone https://github.com/talentedev/agile-screening.git
inside your working directory.
Run the following commands to run project
$ docker-compose up
- http://localhost:8080 - The vuejs front applicationnodejs-server
- http://node-api:3080 - The node api where all the logic lives with SQLite
Open a terminal in the vue-ui
$ docker-compose exec vue-ui bash
Open a terminal in the nodejs-server
$ docker-compose exec nodejs-server bash
Populate a database in nodejs-server
$ node ./fixtures.js
To run lint and unit test in vue-ui
$ ./node_modules/.bin/nps lint
$ ./node_modules/.bin/nps test