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  1. Point Cloud Library 1.7.2

  2. Intel® RealSense™ SDK for Windows


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone rs
    cd rs
  2. Configure the project:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=Release ..

    Note: configuration process might fail if some of the required packages are not found. In this case it is convenient to use cmake-gui to manually specify locations.

    cmake-gui ..

    Press "Configure" and "Generate" after the locations have been specified.

  3. Open the "rs.sln" solution file created in the previous step with Visual Studio. Press F7 to build the project.

Real Sense Viewer

Connect a RealSense camera and run real_sense_viewer.exe.

Real Sense Viewer

Run with --help option to see the usage guide:

*                                                                          *
*                        REAL SENSE VIEWER - Usage Guide                   *
*                                                                          *

Usage: real_sense_viewer.exe [Options] device_id


     --help, -h  : Show this help
     --list, -l  : List connected RealSense devices and supported modes
     --mode <id> : Use capture mode <id> from the list of supported modes

Keyboard commands:

   When the focus is on the viewer window, the following keyboard commands
   are available:
     * t/T : increase or decrease depth data confidence threshold
     * k   : enable next temporal filtering method
     * b   : toggle bilateral filtering
     * a/A : increase or decrease bilateral filter spatial sigma
     * z/Z : increase or decrease bilateral filter range sigma
     * s   : save the last grabbed cloud to disk
     * h   : print the list of standard PCL viewer commands


   The device to grab data from is selected using device_id argument. It
   could be either:
     * serial number (e.g. 231400041-03)
     * device index (e.g. #2 for the second connected device)

   If device_id is not given, then the first available device will be used.

   If capture mode is not given, then the grabber will try to enable both
   depth and color streams at VGA resolution and 30 Hz framerate. If this
   particular mode is not available, the one that most closely matches this
   specification will be chosen.