Deploy AWS Lambda function to clean up untagged images from ECR.
Deploy AWS Lambda function to signal CloudFormation when instances are marked as InService by ELB
When creating an AutoScalingGroup attach a CloudWatch Rule that calls the lambda whenever a new instance is launched. The lambda will then wait for the instance to be marked as InService and will call signalResource for the given ASG.
Example Rule:
Type: 'AWS::Events::Rule'
Description: "Rule to notify lambda function for CFN signalling"
- 'aws.autoscaling'
- 'EC2 Instance Launch Successful'
- !Ref AutoScalingGroup
State: "ENABLED"
- Arn: !ImportValue RollingUpdateLambda
Id: "TargetFunction"
Deploy a MongoDB ReplicaSet within its own VPC.
- Name - the name of the cluster. This will be part of the hostnames of the nodes
- Domain - the domain to use for the hosts
- NetPrefix - the first three bytes of the IP range (e.g. 10.0.0)
- InstanceType - The type of instance to use for the nodes
- VPC - The VPC of the MongoDB cluster
- RouteTable - The VPC RouteTable
- SubnetA - The Subnet in AZ a
- SubnetB - The Subnet in AZ b
- SecurityGroup - The SecurityGroup of the nodes
- NodeNames - The hostnames of the cluster nodes for database access
- ExternalNodeNames - The external hostnames of the cluster nodes for SSH access
Some values are exported for Cross-stack referencing. You can use them to peer the VPC and allow access from your instances.
- MongoDB-Cluster-${Name}-VPC - VPC
- MongoDB-Cluster-${Name}-RTB - RouteTable
- MongoDB-Cluster-${Name}-SubnetA - SubnetA
- MongoDB-Cluster-${Name}-SubnetB - SubnetB
- MongoDB-Cluster-${Name}-SG - SecurityGroup
Deploy AWS Lambda function to check for outdated CoreOS instances.
Template to use as substack to ship logs from a CloudWatch log group to SumoLogic
Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack'
LogGroup: !Ref SomeCloudWatchLogGroup
SumoLogicCollector: ''
SumoLogicToken: 'SomeBase64EncodedToken'
TemplateURL: ''
Deploy a IPSec VPN server within its own VPC.
- DNSHost - the name of the server. This will be part of the hostnames of the node
- DNSDomain - the domain to use for the host
- InstanceType - The type of instance to use for the server
- VPNUsername - the username for the IPSec user
- VPNPassword - the password for the IPSec user
- VPNPhrase - the pre-shared key for the IPSec connection
- VPC - The VPC of the VPN server
- RouteTable - The VPC RouteTable
- SubnetA - The Subnet in AZ a
- SubnetB - The Subnet in AZ b
- SecurityGroup - The SecurityGroup of the server
- VPNServerAddress - The FQDN of the VPN server
Some values are exported for Cross-stack referencing. You can use them to peer the VPC and allow access from your instances.
- VPN-Server-${DNSHost}-VPC - VPC
- VPN-Server-${DNSHost}-RTB - RouteTable
- VPN-Server-${DNSHost}-SubnetA - SubnetA
- VPN-Server-${DNSHost}-SubnetB - SubnetB
- VPN-Server-${DNSHost}-SG - SecurityGroup
Deploy static website using CloudFront, S3 and Route53
- DomainName - the domain to use for the website (without www.)
- CertificateArn - ARN of the certificate in ACM
- WebBucket - The name of the S3 bucket to put website files into
- CloudFrontDistribution - The CloudFront distribution hosting the website
To grant us access to your AWS account for support, create a CloudFormation stack using this link.
This will create an IAM role we can assume that grants us AdministratorAccess.
You can limit the permissions by attaching a different policy to the IAM role TaimosSupport
Please send us the outputs of this stack.
- node / npm
- awscli