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A router for khufu-based projects.

It's not pattern based as many other router, but allows to create hierarchy and compose things.


  • Has a redux-store interface, so integrates with khufu easily
  • Address bar is always up to date including all current knobs and text fields that should be visible in the url as ?query=fields
  • Keeps track of what controls are actually visible to user automatically and which have default value, so the URL isn't overloaded by useless things


npm install khufu-routing@0.1.3 --save

Setup Code

First create a router:

import {Router} from 'khufu-routing'
let router = new Router(window);

Then take a note that Router and subrouter classes are actually stores not reducers (i.e. objects having getState() and dispatch() methods not pure functions), so you need to skip createStore(..) for them:

let khufu = attach(document.getElementById('app'), main(router), {
    store(reducer, middleware, state) {
        if(typeof reducer == 'function') {
            return createStore(reducer, state,
        } else {
            return reducer

And then subscribe for router changes:


Matching Routes

Router splits paths on slashes and additionally allows to add query parameters.

To match next path element against constant use at(), for example to match /site/articles/new path you would have the following statements:

if let r1 ='site'):
    if let r2 ='articles'):
        if let r3 ='new'):
            "new article"

In reality it will not be the same block of code, for example you will match for site in main.khufu, for articles in site.khufu and for new in site/articles.khufu. Additionally each of the if statements usually has some HTML markup.

To match the value against the rule, rather than constant use value(func):

import {int} from './validators'
if let r1 ='articles'):
    if let [article_id, r2] = r1.value(int):
        `integer article id: ${article_id}`

If func returns anything other than null or undefined the value() method returns pair: result of the func and subrouter.

Both at() and value() return subrouters that are basis for three things:

  1. Matching next path elements
  2. Generating URLs relative to the subrouter
  3. Adding query parameters

The no. 2 and 3 are explained below.

Matching Query

Sometimes you want additional things expressed as the query parameter. Create a store for it using .query(name). Here are examples of two parameters:

  store @edit_mode = router.query('edit')
  if let r1 ='articles'):
      store @filter = r1.query('filter')
      <input type="text" value=@filter>

For the URL /articles?edit=true&filter=xxx the value of @edit_mode store will be true and the value of @filter store will be xxx.

To attach actions to them there are two action creators:

  • set()
  • input()

The peculiarity of the input method is that consequent input isn't added to the history as separate pages. I.e. as user types text the URL bar is updated but there is no history entry for every key press. Here is how it's used:

import {set, input} from 'khufu-routing'

value main(router):
    store @edit_mode = router.query('edit')
      link {click} set('true') -> @edit_mode
      "start edit"
    if let r1 ='articles'):
        store @filter = r1.query('filter')
        <input type="text" value=@filter>
          link {input} input(event) -> @filter

Note also that queries are attached to different routers, this means if users goes to a relative path .. from /articles, i.e. to root of the site all of it's attached queries stay there, but on child routes are not. I.e. going to the .. from /articles?edit=true&filter=xxx yields /?edit=true.

Generating URLs

There is only one tool for generating url, it's specifying path, relative to the URL of the router (note: not relative to the current page) for example:

if let r1 ='site'):
    <a href=r1.rel('articles')> "List"              # -> /articles
    if let r2 ='articles'):
        <a href=r2.rel('123')> "Epic Story"         # -> /articles/123
        <a href=r2.rel('../news')> "News"           # -> "/news"
        if let r3 ='new'):
            <a href=r2.rel('../123')> "Epic Story"  # -> "/articles/123"
            <a href=r2.rel('save')> "Save Article"  # -> "/articles/new/save"
            "new article"

Also query arguments added to the URI as described above.


For navigation over links use go() action creator sending either link click event or relative path to the appropriate router:

import {set, input} from 'khufu-routing'

value main(router):
    <a href=router.rel('articles')>
        link {click} go(event) -> @router
    if let r1 ='articles'):
        <a href=r1.rel('123')>
            link {click} go(event) -> @r1
            "Epic story"
            link {click} go('new') -> @r1


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