Table of Contents

is a Python 3+ package that allows to interact with the Madaclim db, an open-source climate and environmental database for Madagascar.
Fetch and explore the raster-based data with metadata information support, create new datasets from existent spreadsheets/csv/dataframes from any Coordinate Reference System (CRS) and explore/manipulate your data with visualization and transformation tools.
If you prefer Read-The-Docs style documentation go here.
API documentation is also available.
is working with Python 3.10 and 3.11. For now, we have provided two ways to setup a working environment for both versions:
- Using
for Python=3.10 - Using Conda for Python=3.11
The requirements for the conda setup can be found in conda_requirements.txt and for the pip setup in venv_requirements.txt. OS-specific installation steps are listed below:
- Clone the repo and create a new venv
- Activate the environment and install the requirements
git clone
cd py_madaclim
python -m venv ~/.pyenv/py_mada_env #python=3.10
source ~/.pyenv/py_mada_env/bin/activate
pip install -r venv_requirements.txt # reqs before py_madaclim
pip install . # to install py-madaclim
- First follow these instructions to install conda on your machine
- Clone the repo and configure the
channel - Create the environment with dependencies (slow step, be patient!)
- Activate the environment and install
git clone
cd py_madaclim
# Configure correct channel priority in ~/.condarc
conda config --add channels conda-forge && conda config --append channels plotly
conda config --show channels
# channels:
# - conda-forge
# - defaults
# - plotly
conda create -n py_mada_env --file conda_requirements.txt
conda activate py_mada_env
pip install . # using pip inside conda env
- Clone the repo and create a new venv
- Activate the environment and install the requirements
git clone
cd py_madaclim
python -m venv ~/.pyenv/py_mada_env #python=3.10
source ~/.pyenv/py_mada_env/Scripts/activate
pip install -r venv_requirements.txt # reqs before py_madaclim
pip install . # to install py-madaclim
For a full walkthrough, follow along this notebook
Basic metada and download rasters from Madaclim server
# Get available methods and properties for MadaclimLayers
>>> from import MadaclimLayers
>>> mada_info = MadaclimLayers()
>>> print(mada_info)
all_layers = DataFrame(79 rows x 6 columns)
categorical_layers = DataFrame(Layers 75, 76, 77, 78 with a total of 79 categories
public methods -> download_data, fetch_specific_layers, get_categorical_combinations
get_layers_labels, select_geoclim_type_layers
# To access all layers as a dataframe
>>> mada_info.all_layers
geoclim_type layer_number layer_name layer_description is_categorical units
0 clim 1 tmin1 Monthly minimum temperature - January False °C x 10
# Built-in method to download the Madaclim raster files
>>> mada_info.download_data(save_dir=cwd)
Get detailed labels for each raster layers
>>> env_labels = mada_info.get_layers_labels(
>>> print(env_labels[0])
'env_71_alt_Altitude (meters)'
>>> from py_madaclim.raster_manipulation import MadaclimRasters
>>> mada_rasters = MadaclimRasters("madaclim_current.tif", "madaclim_enviro.tif")
>>> print(mada_rasters)
clim_raster = madaclim_current.tif,
clim_crs = epsg:32738,
clim_nodata_val = -32768.0
env_raster = madaclim_enviro.tif,
env_crs = epsg:32738,
env_nodata_val = -32768.0
# Basic visualization for a continuous data layer
>>> mada_rasters.plot_layer(
... layer=env_labels[0],
... imshow_cmap="terrain",
... histplot_binwidth=100, histplot_stat="count",
... )

>>> from py_madaclim.raster_manipulation import MadaclimPoint
# Single point
>>> specimen_1 = MadaclimPoint(specimen_id="abbayesii", longitude=46.8624, latitude=-24.7541)
# Multipoints
>>> coll = MadaclimCollection.populate_from_csv("collection_example.csv")
>>> print(coll[0])
specimen_id = ABA,
source_crs = 4326,
longitude = 46.8624,
latitude = -24.7541,
mada_geom_point = POINT (688328.2403248843 7260998.022932809),
sampled_layers = None (Not sampled yet),
nodata_layers = None (Not sampled yet),
is_categorical_encoded = False,
Species = C.abbayesii,
Botanical_series = Millotii,
Genome_size_2C_pg = 1.25,
gdf.shape = (1, 11)
# Sample the collection reflects the changes to the geodataframe
>>> coll.sample_from_rasters(
... clim_raster=mada_rasters.clim_raster,
... env_raster=mada_rasters.env_raster,
... layers_to_sample="all", # Or any single/list of layers labels
... layer_info=True
... )
>>> coll.gdf["specimen_id", env_labels[-1]]
specimen_id | Percentage of forest cover in 1 km by 1 km grid cells (%) |
ABA | 100 |
AMB | 65 |
ANK1 | 20 |
BISS | 89 |
COS | 0 |
VOHE | 88 |
# Visualize on the raster map
>>> coll.plot_on_layer(env_labels[-1], imshow_cmap="coolwarm")

Binary encoding for downstream ML applications
# One Hot encoding updates the object dynamically
>>> coll.binary_encode_categorical()
>>> print(coll.is_categorical_encoded)
>>> coll_categ_layers = set(["_".join(label.split("_")[:4]) for label in coll.encoded_categ_labels])
>>> print(f"Splitted {len(coll_categ_layers)} layers into {len(coll.encoded_categ_labels)} unique categories")
Splitted 4 layers into 83 unique categories
# Updated geodataframe attribute
>>> env_76_encoded = coll.encoded_categ_labels[12:30]
>>> coll.gdf[["specimen_id"] + env_76_encoded]
specimen_id | env_76_soi_Soil types_Alluvio-colluvial_Deposited_Soils | env_76_soi_Soil types_Andosols | env_76_soi_Soil types_Bare_Rocks | env_76_soi_Soil types_Fluvio-marine_Deposited_Soils_-_Mangroves | env_76_soi_Soil types_Highly_Rejuvenated,_Penevoluted_Ferralitic_Soils | env_76_soi_Soil types_Humic_Ferralitic_Soils | env_76_soi_Soil types_Humic_Rejuvenated_Ferralitic_Soils | env_76_soi_Soil types_Hydromorphic_Soils | env_76_soi_Soil types_Indurated-Concretion_Ferralitic_Soils | env_76_soi_Soil types_Podzolic_Soils_and_Podzols | env_76_soi_Soil types_Poorly_Evolved_Erosion_Soils,_Lithosols | env_76_soi_Soil types_Raw_Lithic_Mineral_Soils | env_76_soi_Soil types_Red_Ferruginous_Soils | env_76_soi_Soil types_Red_Fersiallitic_Soils | env_76_soi_Soil types_Rejuvenated_Ferralitic_Soils_with_Degrading_Structure | env_76_soi_Soil types_Rejuvenated_Ferralitic_Soils_with_Little_Degrading_Structure | env_76_soi_Soil types_Salty_Deposited_Soils | env_76_soi_Soil types_Skeletal_Shallow_Eroded_Ferruginous_Soils |
ABA | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
AMB | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
ANK1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
BISS | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
COS | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
VOHE | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
>>> from py_madaclim.utils import gbif_api
# Get taxonKey of interest
>>> coffea_key = gbif_api.get_taxon_key_by_species_match("coffea")
EXACT match type found with 95% confidence!
canonical name of match: Coffea
GBIF_taxon_key: 2895315
# Search occurrences
recent_years = (2010, 2023)
>>> coffea_search_results_2010_present = gbif_api.search_occ_mdg_valid_coordinates(
... taxon_key=coffea_key,
... year_range=recent_years
... )
Fetching all 613 occurences in year range 2010-2023...
Extracting occurences 0 to 300...
Extracting occurences 300 to 600...
Extracting occurences 600 to 613...
Total records retrieved: 613
# ...Or create a download for a given search
>>> from dotenv import load_dotenv
>>> import os
>>> load_dotenv(".env")
>>> download_id = gbif_api.request_occ_download_mdg_valid_coordinates(
... taxon_key=coffea_key,
... year_range=recent_years # Defaults to None which is all possible years
... )
# Download, extract and read as df
>>> coffea_gbif_df = gbif_api.download_extract_read_occ(
Response OK from for the given 'download_id'
Progress for : 100.0% completed of 0.21 MB downloaded [ average speed of 0.41 MB/s ]
Extracting all 17 files to target location: .../download_0008397-230810091245214/
Read and saved core data into pandas df: occurrence.txt
# Keep relevant data
>>> df = coffea_gbif_df.loc[coffea_gbif_df["taxonRank"] == "SPECIES"]
>>> df = df.loc[:, ["verbatimScientificName", "decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude", "year"]]
>>> df = df.reset_index().drop(columns="index")
>>> df["specimen_id"] = df.apply(lambda row: f"{row['verbatimScientificName']}_{}", axis=1)
>>> df["specimen_id"] = df["specimen_id"].str.strip("Coffea ")
>>> # Format for MadaclimCollection constructor
>>> df.columns = ["genus_species", "longitude", "latitude", "year", "specimen_id"]
>>> df.head()
genus_species | longitude | latitude | year | specimen_id |
Coffea perrieri | 46.015693 | -17.117573 | 2023 | perrieri_0 |
Coffea pervilleana | 45.920397 | -17.077081 | 2023 | pervilleana_1 |
Coffea pervilleana | 45.923007 | -17.078820 | 2023 | pervilleana_2 |
Coffea boiviniana (Baill.) Drake | 49.353747 | -12.336711 | 2020 | boiviniana (Baill.) Drake_3 |
Coffea humbertii J.-F.Leroy | 44.690055 | -22.888583 | 2018 | humbertii J.-F.Leroy_4 |
# Create a collection from recent samples
recent_coffea = MadaclimCollection.populate_from_df(df.loc[df["year"] >= 2020])
- py-madaclim read-the-docs @ Tahiri-lab
- Madaclim @ CIRAD
- Tahiri lab @ Université de Sherbrooke
For any questions, feedback or to get in touch with us :
For our lab's other research projects, visit our website