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Trackerboy to .MOD Converter

Create in Trackerboy, export to GB Studio .MOD files

Motivation for this Program

Playback of the template gbt-player .mod file is highly inaccurate in mod editors, especially the noise channel. This exporter attempts to best match the sound heard in TrackerBoy to the sound output in GB Studio's player.

Trackerboy's interface is clean, user-friendly, and familiar to users of FamiTracker.

Tools Used



  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install Nim:
  3. In the root directory of this repository, call: nimble build
  4. Use the built binary to convert your .tbm's via command line

Usage via command line

tbm2mod [-o:outfile] [-s:songnum] [-q] file.tbm

Flag Value Description
-o output file exported output filepath (default: <inputfile>.mod)
-s song number zero-indexed (default: 0)
-q turn off standard console output, errors still show
-h show help dialogue

Example usage

Export mysong.tbm, song 0 to mysong.mod in the same directory.

tbm2mod mysong.tbm

Note: omitting an output filename exports a file with the same name to the same directory as the input, but with the .mod extension

Export mysong.tbm, song 1 to bin/newname.mod

tbm2mod -o:bin/newname.mod -s:1 mysong.tbm

Composing for GB Studio in Trackerboy

This program uses a subset of Trackerboy's features to match GB Studio's player, so the following guidelines should be followed.


  • Copy and use the provided gbt-template.tbm file when beginning a new composition.
  • Leave the Trackerboy instruments and waveforms as-is, since they will not sound correctly during playback in gbt-player otherwise.
  • Add a tempo (Fxx) command at the top of your file.
  • Make sure to add a pattern skip effect (Dxx) at the end of any pattern with a length of less than 64.
  • Noise channel range works on keys C4-B6. In GB Studio 3.0 and higher, you will get a gradient of timbres, otherwise the keyboard is distributed over only 8 tones.
  • GB Studio's player can only process one column of effects, others besides the first column may sound in Trackerboy, but will be ignored in the exported file.

Compatible Effects

Channel Effect Trackerboy Command
Arpeggio 0xy x - 1st note, y - 2nd note
Pitch up-slide 1xx xx - speed to slide upward (pitch units per frame)
Pitch down-slide 2xx xx - speed to slide downward (pitch units per frame)
Volume Envelope Exy x - starting volume (0-F), y - envelope (0,8: none, 1-7: decay, 9-F: ramp to full volume). For CH3, use V0x
Panning I0x x - sets pan (1: left, 2: right, 3: center)
Delayed Note-cut S0x x - number of frames until note cut
Channel Timbre V0x x - volume setting for CH3 only (0-3)
Song Effect Trackerboy Command
Pattern Jump Bxx xx - pattern to jump to
Pattern Skip Dxx xx - row in next pattern to skip to
Set speed Fxx xx - tempo of the song (1: fast - 1F: slow)

Incompatible Effects

Effect Trackerboy Command
Automatic Port 3xy
Square Vibrato 4xy
Vibrato Delay 5xx
Pattern Halt C00
Note Delay Gxx
Sweep Register Hxx
Global Volume Jxy
Lock Channel L00
Fine Tuning Pxx
Note Slide-up Qxy
Note Slide-down Rxy
Play SFX Txx

Effect Compatibility Notes

  • Volume envelope effects (Exy) must always be accompanied by a note

    One case where this can cause confusion is setting E00 expecting a note cutoff. Instead, it is better to write a Trackerboy note cut (long dash that appears in the note column) or effect (S00)

  • Volume envelope effects (Exy) are "sticky"

    While you must accompany an Exy with a note, it's okay to write notes without an envelope effect - it will maintain the last envelope effect that was called on that channel.

  • Note cuts are effects

    Note cuts in Trackerboy are interpreted as an effect in GB Studio's player. Therefore, please do not write any effect in the same row - it will be ignored

  • Timbral effects are set by instrument number

    GB Studio uses instrument number presets to accomplish timbral changes. For changing timbre/waveforms, please use the appropriate instrument numbers in the template file instead of using effects. Vxx, for our purposes will only be used as the volume setting for CH3, and will be ignored in channels 1, 2, & 4.

  • Auto-vibrato (4xy) is not supported in GB Studio

    Due to this limitation, you'll need to handcraft pitch up-slide (1xx) and pitch down-slide (2xx) to achieve this manually.

    For example:

      C-5 01 ---
      --- -- 201
      --- -- 101
      --- -- 201
      --- -- 101
      --- -- 100

    Pitch slides up (1xx) and down (2xx) get cancelled out to zero in GB Studio after the row is finished, but in Trackerboy they stick. For this reason, add a 100 effect to stop the slide effect cosmetically in Trackerboy.

    Since writing 100 is only cosmetic, let's move it over to column 2 make room for another effect in column 1. (Click on the + icon at the top of the channel column in Trackerboy to reveal another effect row):

      C-5 01 --- ---
      --- -- 201 ---
      --- -- 101 ---
      --- -- 201 ---
      --- -- 101 ---
      G-5 01 E20 100

For further reading, please check out Trackerboy's Effect List and GB Studio GBT Music docs

Future Ideas

  • Auto-vibrato (add pitch up and down slides automatically)

Last Remarks

  • For bug reports, please create a Github Issue.
  • Exporting with this tool overwrites the target file - please save backups of any direct edits you wish to keep at the export location before running the program.
  • This converter targets the GB Studio music player, which is based on a fork of gbt-player, and will not play back accurately using a build from gbt-player's main branch.
  • Music in GB Studio 3 is noticeably faster, due to a change in timer speed by the developers. This causes a discrepancy where the music is slightly faster in-engine. You can adjust the music timer speed in GB Studio 3.2.1 by editing line 103 of assets/engine/include/music_manager.h, in function music_setup_timer that sets the register TMA_REG, change the numbers 0x80u : 0xC0u at the end of the line, to 0x78u : 0xBCu. This approximates the timer back down to about 60.2 ticks per second


trackerboy to gbt-player .mod converter in nim






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