As I said in my application prework InterviewBit profile gif, I've actually been using InterviewBit for about three months now (though I still have a ways to go before reaching Code Ninja status). My profile is I usually do one problem a day, but sometimes more.
As shown in this GIF, I've already completed almost all the Arrays and Strings problems on InterviewBit:
- Spiral Order Matrix I, Min Steps In Infinite Grid, Add One To Number, Max Sum Contiguous Subarray, Maximum Absolute Difference, Repeat And Missing Number Array, Flip, Noble Integer, Wave Array, Max Distance, Maximum Unsorted Array, Find Duplicate in Array, Maximum Consecutive Gap, Rotate Matrix, Merge Intervals, Merge Overlapping Intervals, Set Matrix Zeros, and First Missing Integer.
- Palindrome String, Longest Common Prefix, Count And Say, Longest Palindromic Substring, Implement StrStr, Compare Version Numbers, Atoi, Valid Number, Valid Ip Addresses, Length of Last Word, Reverse the String, Roman To Integer, Integer To Roman, Add Binary Strings, Power of 2, Justified Text, and Zigzag String.
As I mentioned above, I had already completed almost all of the Arrays and Strings problems on InterviewBit before the class started, but I did four more for this assignment:
- Arrays - Find Permutation
- Arrays - Hotel Bookings Possible
- Strings - Minimum Characters required to make a String Palindromic
- Strings - Multiply Strings
And here's a GIF of my Arrays and Strings topic pages where you can see them checked off:
I took the HackerRank "CodePath Interview Prep - Unit 1 Test" on July 15, so you should have received my results. Here's the feedback I sent to HackerRank afterward: "I enjoyed the test even though I didn't finish debugging my third solution in time. What might have made things easier for me with the debugging would have been if you had had some gradually-getting-longer test cases in between the two short ones and then the long one -- as it was I kept working on developing my own custom test cases with different edge cases that might reproduce the problem while still being short enough to step through easily, but my code worked perfectly on everything I came up with -- but then again depending on your test you don't necessarily want to make anything easier about it. Anyway, thanks, and looking forward to the next test!"
As shown in this GIF, I've already completed almost all the Hashing and Linked Lists problems on InterviewBit:
- Colorful Number, 2 Sum, 4 Sum, Diffk II, Anagrams, Equal, Copy List, Longest Substring Without Repeat, Window String, Fraction, and Substring Concatenation.
- Intersection of Linked Lists, Reverse Linked List, Palindrome List, Remove Duplicates from Sorted List, Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II, Merge Two Sorted Lists, Remove Nth Node from List End, Rotate List, Reverse Linked List II, Swap List Nodes in pairs, Add Two Numbers as Lists, List Cycle, Partition List, and Insertion Sort List.
As I said above, I had already completed almost all of the Hashing and Linked Lists problems on InterviewBit, but I did four more for this assignment:
- Hashing - Points on the Straight Line
- Hashing - Valid Sudoku
- Linked Lists - K Reverse Linked List
- Linked Lists - Reorder List
And here's a GIF of my Hashing and Linked Lists topic pages where you can see them checked off:
I took the HackerRank "CodePath Interview Prep - Unit 2 Test" on July 22, so you should have the results by now.
As shown in this GIF, on InterviewBit I've already completed many of the Trees problems, almost all the Binary Search problems, and one of the Heaps and Maps problems:
- Next Greater Number BST, Valid Binary Search Tree, Vertical Order Traversal of Binary Tree, Inorder Traversal, Postorder Traversal, Preorder Traversal, Kth Smallest Element In Tree, ZigZag Level Order Traversal BT, Populate Next Right Pointers Tree, Max Depth of Binary Tree, and Min Depth of Binary Tree.
- Count Element Occurrence, Rotated Array, Square Root of Integer, Painter's Partition Problem, Allocate Books, Matrix Search, Search for a Range, Sorted Insert Position, Implement Power Function, and Rotated Sorted Array Search.
I had already completed many of the Trees problems, and all except two of the Binary Search problems on InterviewBit, but right now I'm still stuck battling those last two, so for this assignment I did five more Trees problems and one more Heaps and Maps problem -- the LRU Cache one used as an example in the last class session:
- Trees - Identical Binary Trees
- Trees - Path Sum
- Trees - Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
- Trees - Root to Leaf Paths With Sum
- Trees - Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
- Heaps and Maps - LRU Cache
And here's a GIF of my Trees and Heaps and Maps topic pages where you can see them and others checked off:
I took the HackerRank "CodePath Interview Prep - Unit 3 Test" on July 30, so you should have the results by now.
As shown in this GIF, on InterviewBit I've already completed six of the Backtracking problems, and all except one of the Bit Manipulation problems:
- Min XOR value, Number of 1 Bits, Reverse Bits, Different Bits Sum Pairwise, Single Number, and Single Number II.
I had already completed many of the Backtracking problems, and all except one of the Bit Manipulation problems, on InterviewBit, so for this assignment I did the only Bit Manipulation problem I hadn't already done, and five more Backtracking problems:
- Backtracking - Combination Sum II
- Backtracking - Generate all Parentheses II
- Backtracking - Gray Code
- Backtracking - NQueens
- Backtracking - Reverse Link List Recursion
- Bit Manipulation - Divide Integers
And here's a GIF of my Backtracking and Bit Manipulation topic pages where you can see them and others checked off:
I took the HackerRank "CodePath Interview Prep - Unit 4 Test" on August 7, so you should have the results by now.