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ilu_vatar_ edited this page Nov 29, 2021
35 revisions
In this document, following abbreviations are used for shortness.
Abbrev | Selector | Description |
!i |
:not(.insert-mode) |
except insert-mode |
i |
.insert-mode |
o |
.operator-pending-mode |
n |
.normal-mode |
v |
.visual-mode |
vB |
.visual-mode.blockwise |
vL |
.visual-mode.linewise |
vC |
.visual-mode.characterwise |
iR |
.insert-mode.replace |
# |
.with-count |
when count is specified |
% |
.has-persistent-selection |
when persistent-selection exists |
Keymap | Command | Description |
select |
n gc
select-latest-change |
n gv
select-previous-selection |
%!i ⌃⌘g
select-persistent-selection |
!i g⌘d v.is-narrowed ⌘d
select-occurrence |
v ⏎
create-persistent-selection |
toggle-persistent-selection |
!i go
toggle-preset-occurrence |
!i gO
toggle-preset-subword-occurrence |
!i g.
add-preset-occurrence-from-last-occurrence-pattern |
!i d o.delete-pending d
delete |
!i x n x
delete-right |
n X
delete-left |
!i D vB D
delete-to-last-character-of-line |
v D
delete-line |
!i y
yank |
!i Y v Y
yank-line |
yank-to-last-character-of-line |
yank-diff-hunk |
!i ⌃a
increase |
!i ⌃x
decrease |
!i g⌃a
increment-number |
!i g⌃x
decrement-number |
!i P
put-before |
!i p
put-after |
put-before-with-auto-indent |
put-after-with-auto-indent |
add-blank-line-below |
add-blank-line-above |
resolve-git-conflict |
n i
activate-insert-mode |
n R
activate-replace-mode |
n a
insert-after |
!i gI
insert-at-beginning-of-line |
n A
insert-after-end-of-line |
n I
insert-at-first-character-of-line |
n gi
insert-at-last-insert |
n O
insert-above-with-newline |
n o
insert-below-with-newline |
%n,v I
insert-at-start-of-target |
%n,v A
insert-at-end-of-target |
insert-at-head-of-target |
insert-at-start-of-occurrence |
insert-at-end-of-occurrence |
insert-at-head-of-occurrence |
insert-at-start-of-subword-occurrence |
insert-at-end-of-subword-occurrence |
insert-at-head-of-subword-occurrence |
insert-at-start-of-smart-word |
insert-at-end-of-smart-word |
insert-at-previous-fold-start |
insert-at-next-fold-start |
!i c o.change-pending c
change |
v.is-narrowed ⌃⌘c
change-occurrence |
change-subword-occurrence |
!i s n s
substitute |
!i S
substitute-line |
v C
change-line |
!i C vB C
change-to-last-character-of-line |
no-case |
dot-case |
swap-case |
path-case |
!i gU o,v U
upper-case |
!i gu o,v u
lower-case |
!i gC
camel-case |
snake-case |
title-case |
param-case |
header-case |
pascal-case |
constant-case |
sentence-case |
upper-case-first |
lower-case-first |
!i g-
dash-case |
!i g~ !i g⌥graph o,v
toggle-case |
!i ~
toggle-case-and-move-right |
!i r
replace |
n r
replace-character |
split-by-character |
encode-uri-component |
decode-uri-component |
!i g| !i g⌥graph |
trim-string |
!i gSPC
compact-spaces |
align-occurrence |
align-occurrence-by-pad-left |
align-occurrence-by-pad-right |
remove-leading-white-spaces |
convert-to-soft-tab |
convert-to-hard-tab |
.platform-darwin !i ⌃s
transform-string-by-select-list |
transform-word-by-select-list |
transform-smart-word-by-select-list |
replace-with-register |
replace-occurrence-with-register |
swap-with-register |
!i >
indent |
!i <
outdent |
!i =
auto-indent |
!i g/
toggle-line-comments |
!i gq o.reflow-pending q
reflow |
!i gw o.reflow-with-stay-pending w
reflow-with-stay |
surround |
surround-word |
surround-smart-word |
map-surround |
delete-surround |
delete-surround-any-pair |
delete-surround-any-pair-allow-forwarding |
change-surround |
change-surround-any-pair |
change-surround-any-pair-allow-forwarding |
join-target |
!i J
join |
!i gJ
join-with-keeping-space |
join-by-input |
join-by-input-with-keeping-space |
split-string |
split-string-with-keeping-splitter |
!i g,
split-arguments |
split-arguments-with-remove-separator |
split-arguments-of-inner-any-pair |
!i gr
reverse |
reverse-inner-any-pair |
rotate |
rotate-backwards |
rotate-arguments-of-inner-pair |
rotate-arguments-backwards-of-inner-pair |
!i gs
sort |
sort-case-insensitively |
sort-by-number |
numbering-lines |
duplicate-with-comment-out-original |
Keymap | Command | Description |
!i h !i ←
move-left |
!i l !i SPC !i →
move-right |
!i k !i ↑
move-up |
move-up-wrap |
!i j !i ↓
move-down |
move-down-wrap |
!i gk
move-up-screen |
!i gj
move-down-screen |
!i [
move-up-to-edge |
!i ]
move-down-to-edge |
!i w
move-to-next-word |
!i W
move-to-next-whole-word |
move-to-next-alphanumeric-word |
move-to-next-smart-word |
move-to-next-subword |
!i b
move-to-previous-word |
!i B
move-to-previous-whole-word |
move-to-previous-alphanumeric-word |
move-to-previous-smart-word |
move-to-previous-subword |
!i e
move-to-end-of-word |
!i E
move-to-end-of-whole-word |
move-to-end-of-alphanumeric-word |
move-to-end-of-smart-word |
move-to-end-of-subword |
!i ge
move-to-previous-end-of-word |
!i gE
move-to-previous-end-of-whole-word |
!i )
move-to-next-sentence |
!i (
move-to-previous-sentence |
move-to-next-sentence-skip-blank-row |
move-to-previous-sentence-skip-blank-row |
!i }
move-to-next-paragraph |
!i {
move-to-previous-paragraph |
move-to-next-diff-hunk |
move-to-previous-diff-hunk |
!i 0 !i numpad0 !i home
move-to-beginning-of-line |
!i |
move-to-column |
!i $ !i end o A
move-to-last-character-of-line |
!i g_
move-to-last-nonblank-character-of-line-and-down |
!i ^ o I
move-to-first-character-of-line |
!i -
move-to-first-character-of-line-up |
!i + !i ⏎
move-to-first-character-of-line-down |
!i _
move-to-first-character-of-line-and-down |
!i g0
move-to-beginning-of-screen-line |
!i g^
move-to-first-character-of-screen-line |
!i g$ !i g⌥graph $
move-to-last-character-of-screen-line |
!i gg
move-to-first-line |
!i G
move-to-last-line |
#!i %
move-to-line-by-percent |
!i H
move-to-top-of-screen |
!i M
move-to-middle-of-screen |
!i L
move-to-bottom-of-screen |
!i ⌃f
scroll-full-screen-down |
!i ⌃b
scroll-full-screen-up |
!i ⌃d
scroll-half-screen-down |
!i ⌃u
scroll-half-screen-up |
!i g⌃d
scroll-quarter-screen-down |
!i g⌃u
scroll-quarter-screen-up |
!i f
find |
!i F
find-backwards |
!i t
till |
!i T
till-backwards |
!i `
move-to-mark |
!i '
move-to-mark-line |
move-to-previous-fold-start |
move-to-next-fold-start |
move-to-previous-fold-start-with-same-indent |
move-to-next-fold-start-with-same-indent |
move-to-previous-fold-end-with-same-indent |
move-to-next-fold-end-with-same-indent |
move-to-previous-fold-end |
move-to-next-fold-end |
move-to-previous-function |
move-to-next-function |
move-to-previous-function-and-redraw-cursor-line-at-upper-middle |
move-to-next-function-and-redraw-cursor-line-at-upper-middle |
.has-occurrence!i tab
move-to-next-occurrence |
.has-occurrence!i tab
move-to-previous-occurrence |
!i %
move-to-pair |
!i /
search |
!i ?
search-backwards |
!i *
search-current-word |
!i #
search-current-word-backwards |
Keymap | Command | Description |
!i gn
search-match-forward |
!i gN
search-match-backward |
o,v gv
previous-selection |
o,v aw
a-word |
o,v iw
inner-word |
o,v aW
a-whole-word |
o C o,v iW
inner-whole-word |
a-smart-word |
o c
inner-smart-word |
o,v ad
a-subword |
o d o,v id
inner-subword |
o,v as
a-any-pair |
o,v is
inner-any-pair |
a-any-pair-allow-forwarding |
inner-any-pair-allow-forwarding |
o,v aq
a-any-quote |
o,v iq
inner-any-quote |
o,v a"
a-double-quote |
o,v i"
inner-double-quote |
o,v a'
a-single-quote |
o,v i'
inner-single-quote |
o,v a`
a-back-tick |
o,v i`
inner-back-tick |
o,v a{ o,v a⌥graph { o,v a} o,v a⌥graph } o,v aB
a-curly-bracket |
o,v i{ o,v i⌥graph { o,v i} o,v i⌥graph } o,v iB
inner-curly-bracket |
a-curly-bracket-allow-forwarding |
inner-curly-bracket-allow-forwarding |
o,v a[ o,v a⌥graph [ o,v a] o,v a⌥graph ]
a-square-bracket |
o,v i[ o,v i⌥graph [ o,v i] o,v i⌥graph ]
inner-square-bracket |
a-square-bracket-allow-forwarding |
inner-square-bracket-allow-forwarding |
o,v a( o,v a) o,v ab
a-parenthesis |
o,v i( o,v i) o,v ib
inner-parenthesis |
a-parenthesis-allow-forwarding |
inner-parenthesis-allow-forwarding |
o,v a< o,v a>
a-angle-bracket |
o,v i< o,v i>
inner-angle-bracket |
a-angle-bracket-allow-forwarding |
inner-angle-bracket-allow-forwarding |
o,v at
a-tag |
o,v it
inner-tag |
o,v ap
a-paragraph |
o p o.has-occurrence p o.has-occurrence P o,v ip
inner-paragraph |
o,v ai
a-indentation |
o,v ii
inner-indentation |
o,v a/
a-comment |
o,v i/
inner-comment |
o,v a*
a-block-comment |
o,v i*
inner-block-comment |
a-comment-or-paragraph |
inner-comment-or-paragraph |
o z o.has-occurrence z o,v az
a-fold |
o,v iz
inner-fold |
o.has-occurrence f o.has-occurrence F o,v af
a-function |
o,v if
inner-function |
o,v a,
a-arguments |
o , o,v i,
inner-arguments |
o,v al
a-current-line |
o.has-occurrence l o,v il
inner-current-line |
o,v ae
a-entire |
.platform-win32,o ⌃a .platform-linux,o ⌃a o,v ie o,v ⌘a
inner-entire |
o,v ac
a-latest-change |
o,v ic
inner-latest-change |
o.has-occurrence r o,v ar
a-persistent-selection |
o,v ir
inner-persistent-selection |
o,v av
a-visible-area |
o,v iv
inner-visible-area |
a-diff-hunk |
inner-diff-hunk |
Keymap | Command | Description |
!i m
mark |
v o vB O
reverse-selections |
vB o
blockwise-other-end |
n u
undo |
n ⌃r
redo |
!i!o zc
fold-current-row |
!i!o zo
unfold-current-row |
!i!o za
toggle-fold |
!i!o zC
fold-current-row-recursively |
!i!o zO
unfold-current-row-recursively |
!i!o zA
toggle-fold-recursively |
!i!o zR
unfold-all |
!i!o zM
fold-all |
!i!o zr
unfold-next-indent-level |
!i!o zm
fold-next-indent-level |
!i ⌃e
mini-scroll-down |
!i ⌃y
mini-scroll-up |
!i!o zt
redraw-cursor-line-at-top |
!i!o z⏎
redraw-cursor-line-at-top-and-move-to-first-character-of-line |
!i!o zu
redraw-cursor-line-at-upper-middle |
!i!o zSPC
redraw-cursor-line-at-upper-middle-and-move-to-first-character-of-line |
!i!o zz
redraw-cursor-line-at-middle |
!i!o z.
redraw-cursor-line-at-middle-and-move-to-first-character-of-line |
!i!o zb
redraw-cursor-line-at-bottom |
!i!o z-
redraw-cursor-line-at-bottom-and-move-to-first-character-of-line |
!i!o zs
scroll-cursor-to-left |
!i!o ze
scroll-cursor-to-right |
i ⌃o
activate-normal-mode-once |
toggle-replace-mode |
i ⌃r
insert-register |
insert-last-inserted |
i ⌃y
copy-from-line-above |
copy-from-line-below |
!i gt
next-tab |
!i gT
previous-tab |