This is the template repository for Ruby on Rails web-api applications that are constructed with Docker.
- app ( supervisord rails/webpack/sidekick )
- myql
- Redis
- nginx
- Elasticsearch
- Docker
- Github Actions ( CI / CD tool )
- Docker
You need a runtime that installed docker for building.
$ docker-compose build
$ cp .env.development .env.development.local # for override env variables
$ docker-compose run --rm app bin/setup
$ docker-compose up
$ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports app /bin/bash
(docker) $ bundle init
- add "gem 'rails'" in Gemfile
(docker) $ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
(docker) $ bundle exec rails new . -d mysql --api
- set up db connection
(docker) $ bin/setup
(docker) $ bin/rails s -b
DONE! ( you can access to 'http://localhost:3000/' )
additional changes
- gems
- pry
- dotenv
- rubocop ( configured )
- brakeman
- rspec
- factory_bot
- data_migrate
- danger
- localize ( Japanese )
- config/application.rb
- splitable route files
- some controllers
- add migration script ( bin/migrate )
- Docker for Mac だと filesync が遅い為かrailsへのhttpアクセスが重すぎる
- ここらへんを使うか
- 他の方法で解決