The app is designed to solve a very common problem during development.
If you use GitFlow during development, you typically work with two branches: master and develop.
The develop branch is used for ongoing development,
while the master branch is used for deploying to production.
When a release is ready, the develop branch is merged into master.
If any issues arise in production, they are usually fixed directly there and then merged back into develop.
If fixes are not merged back into develop,
it can lead to merge conflicts, which are time-consuming.
Time equals money, and that's why this project aims to streamline the development process.
docker --version
Docker version 27.4.0
node --version
Please create .env files
Please look at .env.example. They should be place in the same folder, with the same properties, but different values.
Please install dependencies by
npm install
Then run development server
npm run dev
Some of this information could be more secure, but since it is a pet project, I do not mind sharing it. This information is more like a collection of project URL bookmarks.