Releases: szaghi/PENF
Releases · szaghi/PENF
- efe37c4: add build to .gitignore (Elias Lettl) #11
- 1ec2283: basic modern CMakeLists files with targest (Elias Lettl) #11
- 7baaaab: add _R16P_SUPPORTED auto detection (Elias Lettl) #11
- 6b624f8: move check_fortran_source_runs to module file (Elias Lettl) #11
- 40723ad: change variable names of support to mach FACE (Elias Lettl) #11
- 6401d83: add test for equality of ascii and default character kind (Elias Lettl) #11
- 2a05d4b: delete project name from package config .in file (Elias Lettl) #11
- 09ef72f: correct package config name to be found by find_package (Elias Lettl) #11
- e82b5b8: correct namespace of alias target (Elias Lettl) #11
- 476d65f: enable testing if this is the main project (Elias Lettl) #11
- 98a1ee6: mimic behaviour of old cmake build (Elias Lettl) #11
- 2b0f9b1: beautify help comment (Elias Lettl) #11
- 5fcee03: Trim out anacronistic R16P support check (Stefano Zaghi)
- 55a843c: Update travis config (Stefano Zaghi)
- d2b27d5: Merge branch 'release/1.2.2' (Stefano Zaghi)
- 7033881: Merge tag 'v1.2.2' into develop (Stefano Zaghi)
- 83c3ba3: correct help and package config (Elias Lettl) #12
- 555ba46: remove r16p_support also from cmake (Elias Lettl) #12
- 94e3e9e: review cmake tests (Elias Lettl) #12
- 79f4dbc: review install and export (Elias Lettl) #12
- 06e18ce: bugfix cmake version file and disable tests (Elias Lettl) #12
- 5237307: add doc target and furter infos to cmake (Elias Lettl) #12
- 1590188: correct cmake version for NAMELINK_COMPONENT (Elias Lettl) #12
- 0b1b032: add missing componet to install config files (Elias Lettl) #12
- 6833717: cmake stringify composed paths (Elias Lettl) #12
- 00e6128: Merge branch 'master' into develop (Stefano Zaghi)
- ef5997b: storage_size also works for reals (Martin Diehl) #15
- c533114: add _r16p macro (Rossi, Giacomo) #16
- ac284f3: change _r16p macro to _R16P (Rossi, Giacomo) #16
- 4b6d4ba: Add workaround for NVFORTRAN (Stefano Zaghi)
- b0e05b0: Merge branch 'master' into develop (Stefano Zaghi)
- b146a7d: Revert a default value for R16P even if not supported (Stefano Zaghi)
- cf42f45: added FPM support (Jacob Williams) #22
- 677ec4b: added .DS_Store to .gitignore (Jacob Williams) #22
- ab7b738: clarify src directory (Jacob Williams) #22
- 4dd4425: Add FPM and GH Actions support (Stefano Zaghi)
v1.2.0: Improve pre-proc flags and complete coverage.
Stable release, fully backward compatible.
v1.1.8: Add support for character kinds, fix issue#10
Stable release, fully backward compatible.
v1.1.7: Sanitize R16P exploitation
Sanitize R16P exploitation: if R16P is activated (at compile time) then the default real kind `R_P` and all its *attributes* are escaled to `R16P` kind, otherwise the R8P is used. Currently, there is not an automatic way to escale `R_P` to `R4P` (but this seems to be a very unusual choice). Stable release, fully backward compatible.
v1.1.6: Add GNU makefile
Stable release, fully backward compatible.