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Docker environment required to run Laravel (based on official php and mysql docker hub repositories)


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PHP Laravel environment

Docker environment required to run Laravel (based on official php and mysql docker hub repositories).

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  • Docker Engine version 18.06 or later
  • Docker Compose version 1.22 or later
  • An editor or IDE
  • MySQL Workbench

Note: OS recommendation - Linux Ubuntu based.


  1. Nginx 1.27
  2. PHP 8.3 fpm
  3. MySQL 8
  4. Laravel 11
  5. Mailpit (only for debug emails on dev environment)

Setting up Docker Engine with Docker Compose

For installing Docker Engine with docker compose please follow steps mentioned on page Docker Engine.

Note 1: Please run next cmd after above step if you are using Linux OS: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Note 2: If you are using Docker Desktop for MacOS 12.2 or later - please enable virtiofs for performance (enabled by default since Docker Desktop v4.22).

Setting up DEV environment

1.You can clone this repository from GitHub or install via composer.

Note: Delete storage/mysql-data folder if it is exists.

If you have installed composer and want to install environment via composer you can use next cmd command:

composer create-project systemsdk/docker-nginx-php-laravel example-app

2.Add domain to local hosts file:    localhost

3.Configure /docker/dev/xdebug-main.ini (Linux/Windows) or /docker/dev/xdebug-osx.ini (MacOS) (optional):

  • In case you need debug only requests with IDE KEY: PHPSTORM from frontend in your browser:
xdebug.start_with_request = no

Install locally in Firefox extension "Xdebug helper" and set in settings IDE KEY: PHPSTORM

  • In case you need debug any request to an api (by default):
xdebug.start_with_request = yes

4.Build, start and install the docker images from your terminal:

make build
make start
make composer-install
make env-dev

Note: If you want to change default docker configurations (web_port, etc...) - open .env file, edit necessary environment variable value and stop, rebuild, start docker containers.

5.Make sure that you have installed migrations/seeds:

make migrate
make seed

6.Set key for application:

make key-generate

7.In order to use this application, please open in your browser next urls:

Setting up STAGING environment locally

1.You can clone this repository from GitHub or install via composer.

Note: Delete storage/mysql-data and vendor folder if it is exists.

If you have installed composer and want to install environment via composer you can use next cmd command:

composer create-project systemsdk/docker-nginx-php-laravel example-app

Note: If you want to change default docker configurations (web_port, etc...) - create uncommitted .env file, copy data from .env.staging, edit necessary environment variable value.

2.Build, start and install the docker images from your terminal:

make build-staging
make start-staging

3.Make sure that you have installed migrations:

make migrate-no-test

4.Set key for application:

make key-generate

Setting up PROD environment locally

1.You can clone this repository from GitHub or install via composer.

Note: Delete storage/mysql-data and vendor folder if it is exists.

If you have installed composer and want to install environment via composer you can use next cmd command:

composer create-project systemsdk/docker-nginx-php-laravel example-app

2.Edit compose-prod.yaml and set necessary user/password for MySQL.

3.Edit and set necessary user/password for MySQL.

Note: If you want to change default docker configurations (web_port, etc...) - create uncommitted .env file, copy data from, edit necessary environment variable value.

4.Build, start and install the docker images from your terminal:

make build-prod
make start-prod

5.Make sure that you have installed migrations:

make migrate-no-test

6.Set key for application:

make key-generate

Getting shell to container

After application will start (make start) and in order to get shell access inside laravel container you can run following command:

make ssh

Note 1: Please use next make commands in order to enter in other containers: make ssh-nginx, make ssh-supervisord, make ssh-mysql.

Note 2: Please use exit command in order to return from container's shell to local shell.

Building containers

In case you edited Dockerfile or other environment configuration you'll need to build containers again using next commands:

make down
make build
make start

Note: Please use environment-specific commands if you need to build test/staging/prod environment, more details can be found using help make help.

Start and stop environment containers

Please use next make commands in order to start and stop environment:

make start
make stop

Note 1: For staging environment need to be used next make commands: make start-staging, make stop-staging.

Note 2: For prod environment need to be used next make commands: make start-prod, make stop-prod.

Stop and remove environment containers, networks

Please use next make commands in order to stop and remove environment containers, networks:

make down

Note: Please use environment-specific commands if you need to stop and remove test/staging/prod environment, more details can be found using help make help.

Additional main command available

make build
make build-test
make build-staging
make build-prod

make start
make start-test
make start-staging
make start-prod

make stop
make stop-test
make stop-staging
make stop-prod

make down
make down-test
make down-staging
make down-prod

make restart
make restart-test
make restart-staging
make restart-prod

make env-dev
make env-test-ci

make ssh
make ssh-root
make fish
make ssh-nginx
make ssh-supervisord
make ssh-mysql

make composer-install-no-dev
make composer-install
make composer-update

make key-generate

make info
make help

make logs
make logs-nginx
make logs-supervisord
make logs-mysql

make drop-migrate
make migrate-no-test
make migrate

make seed

make phpunit
make report-code-coverage

make phpcs
make ecs
make ecs-fix
make phpmetrics
make phpcpd
make phpmd
make phpstan
make phpinsights


Notes: Please see more commands in Makefile

Architecture & packages


Working on your project

  1. For new feature development, fork develop branch into a new branch with one of the two patterns:
    • feature/{ticketNo}
  2. Commit often, and write descriptive commit messages, so its easier to follow steps taken when reviewing.
  3. Push this branch to the repo and create pull request into develop to get feedback, with the format feature/{ticketNo} - "Short descriptive title of Jira task".
  4. Iterate as needed.
  5. Make sure that "All checks have passed" on CircleCI(or another one in case you are not using CircleCI) and status is green.
  6. When PR is approved, it will be squashed & merged, into develop and later merged into release/{No} for deployment.

Note: You can find git flow detail example here.


The MIT License (MIT)