The security playground is a HTTP web server to simulate security breaches in run time.
Use the docker image to deploy it in your Kubernetes cluster or locally in a container.
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 sysdiglabs/security-playground
The HTTP API exposes tree endpoints to interact with the system.
You can read a file using just the URL.
$ curl localhost:8080/etc/shadow
This will return the content of the /etc/shadow file.
You can write to a file using the URL and POSTing the content.
$ curl -X POST localhost:8080/bin/hello -d 'content=hello-world'
This will write to /bin/hello the hello-world string
You can execute a command using the /exec endpoint and POSTing the command.
$ curl -X POST /exec -d 'command=ls -la'
This will capture and return the STDOUT of the command executed.