Writing some cool Cloud Foundry Korifi tutorials 🖊
Formerly Holberton School co-founder, LinkedIn SRE
- 5h behind - http://www.sylvainkalache.com
- @SylvainKalache
Olivier DULCY
Senior Machine Learning Engineer at @mindee (Paris).
ENSAE Paris and Télécom SudParis (Paris area).
Mindee France
Paketo Buildpacks
Cloud Native Buildpack implementations for popular programming language ecosystems
Neha Jain
Problem solver, coder, traveller, chef. Founder of @PiMothers - Blog for sharing experiences of Mothers In Tech & STEM http://www.pimothers.com
@LinkedIn San Francisco
Daniel Alzugaray
Daniel Alzugaray is a full-stack engineer at @holbertonschool. Moving from New York, Daniel came to San Francisco to start his career in software development.
Holberton School San Francisco
Gloria Bwandungi
I'm an author of fantastical stories, but my main focus right now is learning to code so I can tell stories in a new way. Follow me @nappybrainiac
Somanda Inc. San Francisco, CA
Rudy Rigot
Principal Eng boomerang @salesforce. Formerly @apple. Founded @holbertonschool & TechMeAbroad & While42 Chicago.
@salesforce Chicago, IL
Brice Figureau
Code craftsman, Sysadmin, DevOps in a man :)
Working with @DataDog
Paris, France
Nathan Barraillé
Co-Founder & CTO @ Cohort -- Hiring Software Engineers
@cohort-xyz Paris, France
Jai Pandya
A full stack web app developer with specialization in creating scalable platforms. Early engineer at SlideShare and later worked at LinkedIn after acquisition.
Mutabl.es New Delhi, India