My website built from scratch where I create article pages, forums, and a chat program for swimmers.
Hello Everyone, I am creating a website where I can connect swimmers from across the U.S. and allow them to share their experiences and tips with each other. This is also a great way for swimmers to get to know each other better and stay motivated.
All html files are under the public folder. Right now, I have finished the basic layouts of the website and the chat program is working. I do need help creating a forum page and fixing the chat page so that it can clear the chat history once in a while. I am also new to web development so all help would be appreciated.
In this project, I used Node.js, MongoDB, Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
Download all files and go to localhost:3000 to view current site. You will need to install Node.js and MongoDB if you don't have it. "npm run dev" to run the program in development mode.