👉 More or less maintained fork of the original gem. Use at your own risk
Money gem extension for distributed systems
Money gem docs
example usage in conjunction with Open Exchange Rates, which offers a free API:
Our popular Free Plan provides hourly updates (with base currency USD) and up to 1,000 requests/month.
There is a gem available for OXR: money-open-exchange-rates
# config/initializers/money.rb
redis = Redis.new(url: ENV.fetch('REDIS_URL') { 'redis://localhost:6379/1' })
store = Money::Distributed::Storage.new(redis)
# we fetch rates from Open Exchange Rates:
oxr = Money::Bank::OpenExchangeRatesBank.new(store)
oxr.app_id = Rails.application.credentials.dig(:oxr, :api_key)
# fetch fresh rates if cache is empty so we don't boot the app without available rates
# we fetch those async to avoid the app crashing on boot due to an API error of OXR
MoneyUpdateRatesWorker.perform_async if oxr.rates.blank?
# to use the free plan of OXR, we must default to USD
oxr.source = 'USD'
Money.default_bank = oxr
The mentioned worker:
# app/workers/money_update_rates_worker.rb
class MoneyUpdateRatesWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform
Money.default_bank.refresh_rates # pull from remote
Money.default_bank.update_rates # update cache
You might want to set up a cron job to trigger this worker regularly. Set the schedule to a shorter time-window than the configured TTL of the exchange rates. This avoids, that rates are expired and have to be fetched from remote during a request.
You probably want to install the following gems:
# Gemfile
# payments
gem 'money'
gem 'money-distributed', git: 'git@github.com:swiknaba/money-distributed', branch: :master
gem 'money-open-exchange-rates'