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jamfHelper support

Bart Reardon edited this page Jun 6, 2022 · 4 revisions

Dialog now has the ability to accept a basic subset jamfHelper format command line options with the new --jh flag.

This makes it easier to implement into existing workflows and scripts by substituting the call to /Library/Application\ Support/JAMF/bin/ with /usr/local/bin/dialog --jh

Using the flag will instruct dialog to convert jamfHelper options into equivalent dialog options. Not all options are supported. Standard dialog options that have no equivalent in jamfHelper are still available, e.g. --width, --height and --image.

Features and behaviour


-windowType [hud | utility | fs]

hud and utility are ignored. fs is converted into dialog --fullscreen and will display in dialogs full screen view

-windowPosition [ul | ll | ur | lr]

Positions window in the upper right, upper left, lower right or lower left of the user's screen This is the only feature that is not currently part of dialogs standard options but is implemented for jamfHelper compatibility.

-title "string"

Converted to --title

Sets the window's title to the specified string

-heading "string" and -description "string"

Converted to --message

Both -heading and -description are merged into dialogs --message option. -heading is converted into a markdown heading 4 #### then a blank newline followed by -description

-icon path

Converted to --icon

If not present, forces dialogs --hideicon option to match jamfHelpers behaviour of displaying with no idon if one is not specified

-button1 "string"

Converted to --button1text

Changed behaviour: Dialog always shows the default button which is different to how jamfHelper works. The default button text is OK

-button2 "string"

Converted to --button2text

-alignDescription [right | left | center | justified | natural]

Converted to --alignment

The only options implemented are right centre and left

-timeout int and -countdown

Converted to --timer.

-countdown is always implied as dialog always shows the timer bar timeout with no timer bar is not implemented in dialog.

Not implemented

-defaultButton [1 | 2]

Default button is always button 1

-cancelButton [1 | 2]

Cancel button is always button 2 (if displayed)

-showDelayOptions "int, int, int,..."

-alignHeading [right | left | center | justified | natural]

-alignCountdown [right | left | center | justified | natural]

-iconSize pixels



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