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Solution name

Package Description

A client library for Oracle databases based on swift-nio. It does neither require OCI nor ODPI.

Package Name oracle-nio
Module Name OracleNIO
Proposed Maturity Level Sandbox
License Apache 2.0
Dependencies swift-log 1.4.4+, swift-nio 2.58.0+, swift-nio-transport-services, swift-nio-ssl 2.25.0+, swift-crypto 3.2.0+, postgres-nio 1.20.0


Oracle DB is a popular relational database management system by the Oracle Corporation. OracleNIO is a client library that allows users to connect, authorize and query these Oracle database servers, by using Swift's latest concurrency features. It uses Oracle's proprietary Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) protocol to communicate with the database peer.


Previously it was only possible to integrate with Oracle databases by wrapping C libraries, which required additional system dependencies such as the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) and/or others. The setup and usage was not ideal and error prone.

Providing a driver for Oracle databases is a great addition to the Swift on the Server ecosystem as it is a very popular database.

Proposed solution

OracleNIO is a standalone, first-class Swift driver for Oracle databases. It supports all modern Oracle databases, starting with 12.1. The library allows user's to use Oracle databases in their Swift projects without requiring additional setup.

Detailed design

There are two ways of connecting to an Oracle database, namely OracleConnection or OracleClient. OracleConnection instanciates a single connection to the database, whereas OracleClient creates a pool of connections. Both take a OracleConnection.Configuration parameter to configure the individual connections.

let logger = Logger(label: "my-oracle-logger")

let config = OracleConnection.Configuration(
    host: "", 
    port: 1521,
    service: .serviceName("my_service"),
    username: "my_username",
    password: "my_password"

let connection = try await OracleConnection.connect(
  configuration: config,
  id: 1,
  logger: logger

With the now successfully established connection, one can start to query the database using the query(_:) method. This method allows the user to run a Query, DML, DDL or PL/SQL.

let rows = try await connection.query("SELECT id, username, birthday FROM users")

A query returns an OracleRowSequence, which is an AsyncSequence of OracleRows. The rows can either be collected altogether or iterated one-by-one. It's possible to decode rows to a set of Swift types directly.

for try await (id, username, birthday) in rows.decode((Int, String, Date).self) {
  // do something with the datatypes.

A type must implement the OracleDecodable protocol in order to be decoded from a row. OracleNIO provides default implementations for most of Swift's builtin types, as well as some types provided by Foundation. Users of the library can implement their own OracleDecodable types, too.

Once done, the database has to be closed.

try await connection.close()

An up-to-date documentation of the public API can be found on the Swift Package Index.

It should be noted that the public API and many of the internals are very similar to PostgresNIO, which was the main inspiration in the process of creating OracleNIO. This should make adoption of OracleNIO easier to those already familiar with PostgresNIO.

Dependency changes since the Pitch

I stated in the pitch, that I'd like to drop the dependency on CryptoSwift. I've already done so by using the newly added no-padding variant of CBC in swift-crypto. And implementing an internal _PKBDF2 library as part of OracleNIO. This internal library is planned to be superseded by swift-crypto's implementation, if it will be added in the future.

Maturity Justification

OracleNIO adheres to the minimal requirements of the SSWG Incubation Process, therefor the Sandbox maturity level should be sufficient.

Alternatives considered

I don't know about any actively maintained alternatives to OracleNIO.

There are various seemingly unmaintained forks of SwiftOracle, (the most promising one seemed to be this once) in existance, but they aren't as confinient to use as OracleNIO and they all require C dependencies.