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Desktop interface to SWAT+ allowing the user to import a project from GIS, modify SWAT+ input, write the text files, and run the model.

Read the documentation at and join the user group to be notified of new releases.

Installing and running the source code

Back-end development stack

  1. Install Python 3 (version 3.10 and up)
  2. Set up virtual environment
    • Install pipenv following the instructions here.
    • From command prompt, go to source code /src/api directory
    • Create a directory .venv if it does not already exist
    • Run pipenv install
    • Run pipenv --py and confirm the python location matches the pythonPath in /src/main/static/appsettings.json

Front-end development stack

  1. Install Node.js (version 18 LTS)
  2. Install required Node.js packages
    • From command prompt, go to the root directory of the source code
    • Run npm install

Running the source code

  1. From command prompt, go to the root directory of the source code
  2. In Linux/Mac, you may need to set permissions on the electron package distribution:
    • cd node_modules/electron/dist
    • sudo chown root chrome-sandbox
    • sudo chmod 4755 chrome-sandbox
  3. Run npm run dev

Development tools

  1. Visual Studio Code

Build the source code

  1. From /src/api run the following depending on your OS:
    • Windows: python-build-windows
    • Linux: sh
    • MacOS: sh
  2. From the root of the source code directory run the following depending on your OS:
    • Windows: npm run build:win
      • NOTE: If you encounter errors during this step, be sure to enable Developer Mode on your PC
    • Linux: npm run build:linux
    • MacOS: npm run build:mac
  3. Program will be in /release/dist