Blip is our first app project for android, using Python Kivy.
This is the TODO list. It lists, in priority, the tasks which need to be done. When you complete a task, move it to the bottom of the list. When you start to work on a task or wish to reserve a task for yourself, put your initial (J/S/T) in square brackets after it.
DO NOT renumber the tasks, unless you are changing a task's priority. We can trace our progress by keeping the numbers as they get ticked off
Everyone should have at least one task at any given time. If you do not have a task, anyone is free to assign you a task
- 10:Fix bugs [S/J/T]
- 16:Add more spike patterns [J/S/T]
- 23:Colourise Background [J][QUERY]
1:Make a line which follows the mouse cursor to aim the ball [J]
9:Make the AimBall hide when there is no screen action [J]
4:Make the ball move [J]
5:Make the ball bounce [J]
7:Make more assets, like balls and such [T]
8:Make an asset for the aimball [T]
13: Add title to the menu screen [S]
12:Make an image for the loading screen [T]
3:Make an app icon [T]
14:Make the dot on the "I" bounce on the menu screen [J]
11:Make all measurements relative [S/J]
15:Add a gameover screen [S]
2:Do the menu screen [S]
18:Make assets for the store [S]
19:Make spikes slightly bigger [S/J]
20:Spawn in a coin each level (and write to storage) [J]
25:Controls: make the user able to draw back to aim [J]
24:Aesthetics: make the ball drop smoother [J]
17:Make sure there is no black anywhere on the app, NOTHING SHOULD BE BLACK! [S/J]
23:Add a no-music button [J]
6:Give options to change the ball type, and store the settings [J]
24: Add coin counter - how many coins you collect this round and charge coins [J]
21:Make a proper graphic for the play store [T]
27: Create a twitter account [S]
24:Add watch an advert for coins button in store [J]
22:Add Background [J]
28:Configure limited edition balls [J]
29:Do tiered ball prices [J]
25:Complete Beta release Trailer [CANCELLED]