Friends Management system (FMS) provides different APIs for social networking
You can use either of ways to call APIs -
These API has been deployed into my AWS public cloud
Swagger URL :
Use these IP to call the API-
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--request POST
--data '{"friends":["",""]}'
NOTE: If API service goes down, please contact me I will start the service again.
- Download the attached jar and unzip it your local machine. (
- run command: java -jar FMS.jar
- Service should be up : http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/fms-api
Steps to Setup/Launch project Locally-
- Clone this repository into your local.
- Import the cloned directory into your IDE (IntelliJ or Eclipse)
- Import the maven dependencies
- Launch the application by running Spring boot
- Check the local URL : http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/fms-api (swagger page)