This is the second project which I am doing with the help of my team members . All the credit goes to Masai School for providing us such an opportunity. And I want to thank my Instructors who put such an effort so that we are able to complete this work.
The task which was provided to us was making the clone website of KFC within our construct week.
We were total six members of team along with me there was Utkash Keshri, Kundan Kumar Keshri, Rajibul Molla, Kratika Songara and Saurabh Kumar.
At the beginning of the project it seems to be very hard to done , but we have broken the problem into small small chucks and then it became easy to build.
We had to make the clone of the KFC website . It is an online food delivery website as well as we can find the stores too at the different different location of the country. KFC is following market concept as it is focusing on the customer and making improvements in the menus according to the need and wants of the customer. It has added in its menus as fish zinger, salad, Arabian rice etc. according to the demands of the customer. The marketing concept emerged in the mid-1950s.Business shifted to a customer centered in which “sense and respond” philosophy concept came in Instead of a product-centered, “make-and-sell” philosophy. Actually marketing is gardening instead of hunting. The job is not to find the right customers for the products, but the right products for the customers. The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists of the company being more effective than competitors in creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value to its chosen target markets.
Frontend: To build the front end part of this website we have used HTML, and for styling purpose we have used CSS into our website. Backend: For the backend purpose we have mainly used the JavaScript .
Some screenshots and details about our website Homepage:-
Home page of our website contains overview of the menus and the main menus , navbar contains the logo of the website along with login, menu and deals section of the page.
GitHub Desktop & GitHub Browser for code collaboration. Slack, WhatsApp and Zoom for communication.
We all became good in team work, how to work in a team, to to communicate, how to fix a bug altogether, how to analyze a problem. Using the Git repository for the project . These were the major learning during this project work.
Our Project link:-