Use ClojureScript to compile itself.
Install ClojureScript from master. Checkout the ClojureScript repo and build and install into your local Maven:
cd clojurescript
Note the ClojureScript version number. Modify this repo's project.clj
file to
reflect the version number.
Checkout my fork of tools.reader
from master and switch to the cljs-bootstrap
branch. Install it into your
local Maven:
cd tools.reader
lein install
Install the NPM dependencies to get reasonable stack traces:
cd cljs-bootstrap
lein npm install
Start the REPL:
lein trampoline run -m clojure.main script/repl.clj
Try the following at the REPL by loading the necessary namespaces:
(require-macros '[cljs.env.macros :refer [ensure]])
(require '[cljs.analyzer :as ana] '[cljs.compiler :as c])
Now you can eval. Note currently only trivial expressions work. Arbitrary source code requires macro support which has not yet landed in ClojureScript master:
(assoc (ana/empty-env) :context :expr)
Progress is constantly being made against master. If you are feeling
adventurous the following will let you see the current state of things. In
a Clojure REPL copy the cljs/core.cljc
macros file and the cljs/core.cljs
standard library file into resources
(make sure you've created the
parent directory).
(require '[ :as io])
(spit "resources/cljs/core.cljc" (slurp (io/resource "cljs/core.cljc")))
(spit "resources/cljs/core.cljs" (slurp (io/resource "cljs/core.cljs")))
(spit "resources/cljs/core.cljs.cache.aot.edn"
(slurp (io/resource "cljs/core.cljs.cache.aot.edn")))
Start a ClojureScript REPL. First you must load the macros file at the REPL:
(load-file "/full/path/to/resources/cljs/core.cljc")
Then load this project's namespace:
(require 'cljs-bootstrap.core)
Switch into this namespace and you should be able to eval the comment snippets
in the src/cljs_bootstrap/core.cljs
source file.
After setting up, compile
which contains the
benchmarking code:
lein run -m clojure.main script/browser.clj
Then start a local server to view the files:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Go to
where you'll see a button: Compile Core!
. When you click it, the
script we compiled earlier,
, will fetch
, compile it, and then present you with how it took to
compile (not to fetch).
Copyright © 2015 David Nolen, Rich Hickey & Contributors
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.