The project is configured for deployment in eu-central-1 AWS
To deploy project to your own AWS account generate your own API Keys and set them up with aws configure
Prerequisites: AWS keys
npm i
npm run build-deploy
# seed dynamodb db Movies table with some dummy data
chmod +wrx ./
- NodeJS
- Serverless Framework CLI
- .NET Core 6
- AWS-Lambda-DotNet
- AWS-Lambda-DotNet
- Visual Studio Code
- VS Code Extension Rest Client Verify that everything is installed (copy & paste)
# package manager for nodejs
npm -v
# serverless framework cli > 1.5
sls -v
# dotnet (cli) > 6.0
dotnet --version
Service Information service: myService stage: dev region: us-east-1 stack: myService-dev resources: 10 api keys: None endpoints: GET - endpointUrl --> https://{api} functions: hello: myService-dev-hello layers: None
3 options:
- Use postman as UI Tool
- Use curl
- Use VS Code Rest Client extensions and run scripts from
Use the endpointUrl from up above.
sls remove
- Check Cloudwatch Logs in AWS - the issue should be describe there.
- For a successful response of function getquerystring the querystringParameter foo must be inserted
Please have a look to the serverless guideline: