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polysolver-mod is the original polysolver HLA typing algorithm re-engineered in modern style. It offers almost all aspects of the original algorithm, adds new features, runs faster, and is friendly to pipeline integration.


  • Supports both class I and II typing with good accuracy
  • Generates analysis-ready HLA alignments for HLALOH detection
  • Re-engineered in modern style with
    • Modular design
    • Faster runtime with internal optimization
    • Minimum I/O operations
    • Minimum hard-coded code
    • Easy integration to pipeline with packaging and better CLI


Please refer to INSATLL for details.

Quick Start

polysolver-mod requires

  • Sorted genomic alignment in BAM format with index
  • HLA reference sequence in Fasta and Nix (novoalign index)
  • BED file with region of each HLA allele
  • HLA kmer tags
  • HLA 4-digit supertype frequency table

Let us type class 1 alleles for NA12046 sample provided by the 1000 genome project (NA12046 will be used as example throughout this doc):

polysolvermod --bam \
  --hla_ref abc_complete.fasta \
  --bed class1.bed \
  --tag abc_v14.uniq \
  --freq HLA_FREQ.txt \
  --outdir "$PWD/NA12046_class1 \
  --sample NA12046

The command above generates HLA typing results in the designated output directory specified by --outdir option. A quick peek into the result folder looks like:

-- NA12046_class1
   -- finalizer
   -- fisher
   -- realigner
   -- typer

Explain Output

The finalizer folder provides the sample-level HLA reference sequence that can be directly used as reference for realigning tumor data in a paired tumor and normal setting. There is also an alignment result in BAM against this sample-level reference with suffix hla.realn.ready.bam. In context of oncology or immuno-oncology research, the BAM file can be directly ported to program to detect HLA loss of heterozygosity.

The typing result can be found within the typer folder, with suffix hlatyping.res.tsv. The result table should look like the following:

allele  gene    tot_scores      sample
hla_a_01_01_29  hla_a   2452923.4298    NA12046
hla_a_02_05_01  hla_a   1766396.924     NA12046
hla_b_50_01_01  hla_b   1332194.9171    NA12046
hla_b_57_01_08  hla_b   1134814.4428    NA12046
hla_c_06_02_01_01       hla_c   3020505.4303    NA12046
hla_c_06_02_01_02       hla_c   1519636.0349    NA12046

Step by Step

polysolver-mod is re-engineered with a modular design. It generally consists of 4 steps: fishing, realigning, typing, and realigning (again). Each module implements basic break-and-continue mechanism, meaning that module finished previously will be automatically skipped. Also it is more friendly to integrate with pipeline/workflow.

The script and polysolver-mod binary (after building the package) demonstrates each following step, if you are interested.

Fisherman: fishing HLA-relevant reads

The original polysolver algorithm fishes HLA-related reads via matching pre-built kmer (tag) sequence and extracting alignments mapped to regions where HLA class I allele located. polysolver-mod follows the same strategy and speeds it up.

fisher --mode faster \
  --tag abc_v14.uniq \
  --bed class1.bed \
  --bam \
  --sample NA12045 \
  --out "$PWD/NA12046_class1/fisher/NA12046.fqs.list.txt

The result is plain text file with two lines of fished fastq files (paired-end reads).

It is important to note there are other approches to fish HLA-relevant reads. For instance, Optitype aligns trimmed reads against the HLA reference using razerS3. From my experience, direct alignment finds more reads and these reads tend to align better. However, razerS3 is not quite memory-efficient, which in my opinion limits its utility, especially your computing platform is not unlimited. The approach that the original polysolver uses provides decent fishing result.

Realigner: realigning fished reads to HLA reference

Next the realigner module aligns the fished reads against the provided class I HLA reference sequence using novoalign, same as the original polysolver program. The difference is the realigner module achieves the reaignment process in parallel to speed things up a bit.

realigner --hla_ref abc_complete.fasta \
  --fqs "$PWD/NA12046_class1/fisher/NA12046.fqs.list.txt \
  --sample NA12046 \
  --out "$PWD/NA12046_class1/realigner/

Because the academia version of novoalign does not support gzipped fastq file, this step can take up some disk space depending on the sample sequencing depth that is HLA-related.

Typer: typing HLA class I genotype

The typer module is a complete overhaul of the origial perl scripts and The original polysolver algorithm types first and second alleles at a locus in two separated processes. For each HLA class I allele defined in the HLA reference sequence, it outputs a plain text file with scores. This generates thousands of files that creates I/O pressure and make the typing process I/O bound. Also, it takes about 3-4 script calls to type the first allele and makes it hard to track when error happens.

The pyhlatyper written in this repo tires to improves on all aspects:

  1. Typing two alleles with one program call
  2. Making typing CPU-bound powered by polars and pysam
  3. Processing alignments to calculate scores in parallel
  4. Enabling possibility of typing alleles class II alleles
  5. Capturing errors in proper way
  6. Free of hard-coded code
pyhlatyper --freq HLA_FREQ.txt \
  --bam "$PWD/NA12046_class1/realigner/ \
  --out "$PWD/NA12046_class1/typer/NA12046.hla_typing.res.tsv

One important difference of pyhlatyper from the original typing scripts is that it does not actaully use frequency as prior to calculate posterior scores. This means the --race is always Unknown. The choice was made because the race is usually not a known factor when dealing with real-world data. I probably will remove the --race option from CLI for good in the future.

Realigner: generating analysis-ready HLA typing result

The original polysolver finishes after typing is done. polysolver-mod goes beyond by providing

  1. HLA reference sequence specific to the typed sample
  2. Alignment against the sample HLA reference

The reason to have this additional step is to get analysis-ready result. In oncology and/or immuno-oncology research, one of the questions people has is to know if there is loss of heterozygosity (LOH) occurring in a tumor sample. LOHHLA is the common go-to algorithm to answer the question. However, lohhla, before detecting any LOH event, goes through realigning both normal and tumor samples, despite typing has been done for the normal sample. Also realignment, in my opinion, belongs to pipeline. LOH detection algorithm should be simplified to serve what it is designed for. To have a clearer picture of what I mean, please refer to tumor and normal scenario below.

The final realignment process splits into two steps. First to extract and index sample-level HLA reference.

extractor --hla_ref abc_complete.fasta \
  --sample NA12046 \
  --typeres "$PWD/NA12046_class1/typer/NA12046.hla_typing.res.tsv
  --out "$PWD/NA12046_class1/finalizer/NA12046.hla.fasta

Then do the realignment against this new reference.

realigner \
  --hla_ref "$PWD/NA12046_class1/finalizer/NA12046.hla.fasta
  --fqs "$PWD/NA12046_class1/fisher/NA12046.fqs.list.txt \
  --sample NA12046 \
  --mdup \
  --out "$PWD/NA12046_class1/finalizer/NA12046.hla.realn.ready.bam

The --mdup option marks PCR duplicates so that when counting coverage during LOH detection, duplicated reads do not get included. If you want to keep duplicates, simply not using this option.

Extend to Class II typing

The original polysolver algorithm has been well-known for genotyping Class I alleles. However, in theory it should also be able to apply to the Class II case, with certain modification as well as a set of Class II references.

To type the Class II alleles, you only need to swap in the new reference data, and the CLI is the same as we have shown for the Class I case.

I have done some preliminary benchmark on Class II typing using some samples from 1000 genome project. The result is suprisingly not too shady and can be found here.

You can also find all Class II-related reference data within the reference folder in this repo.

Scenario: detecting LOH from paired tumor and normal samples

Detecting LOH event within the HLA region has been one of the popular subjects scientists want to look into, especially in a clinical cohort where patients receive immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment. Homozygous HLA genotypes decrease the diversity of antigen/neo-antigen the immune system can capture.

polysolver-mod can generate LOH analysis-ready inputs for both tumor and paired normal samples. Here, I only show how to prepare for the tumor data. You can refer to upstairs for getting the normal data ready.

Again, let us pretend we have a hypothetical tumor data for sample NA12046 (apologize for "giving" this sample a tumor, no harmful damage intented):

polysolvermod --bam \
  --hla_ref "$PWD/NA12046_class1/finalizer/NA12046.hla.fasta
  --bed class1.bed \
  --tag abc_v14.uniq \
  --realn_only \
  --outdir "$PWD/NA12046_tumor \
  --sample NA12046.tumor

The --realn_only tells polysolver-mod to run only the fishing and realigning steps using the sample-specific HLA reference obtained in earlier example.

Now you can skip the mapping step (--skip-map) in lohhla, and directly detect LOH events.


  • polysolver-mod respects all LICENSE requirement imposed by the original Polysolver software, and is licensed under GPL-3.


  • I, by no means, intend to overtake the origianl idea and implementation of Polysolver algorithm.
  • This repo does not distribute Polysolver software, as well as all its dependencies such as novoalign and novoindex under commercial licenses.
  • polysolver-mod re-engineered only the HLA typing algorithm. All other tools in the Polysolver suite was not modified and included in this repo.
  • polysolver-mod does not necessarily produce identical result as Polysolver on typing HLA class I alleles.
  • Please interpret result at your own discretion when using polysolver-mod. hla_benchmark repo provides fundamental assessment of polysolver-mod using 1000 genome data on HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-DQB1, and HLA-DRB1.


Please cite the original Polysolver paper.

If you use polysolver-mod, please cite this github repo as well.


polysolver-mod: Modern style HLA typing for class I and II alleles








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