Initial project documentation — #50 ⇄ #51 (⊶ f18bf43)
↠ Wrote the initial project documentation for the README.md
file that includes…
- …an project introduction and motivation.
- …an overview of the project features.
- …a listing of available template repositories.
- …a rough overview of the directory structure.
- …more detailed sections about all features.
- …some basic instructions how to use this template repository.
- …information about how to contribute to this project.
Dependabot: Automated dependency updates and security alerts — #52 ⇄ #53 (⊶ 4816e4e)
↠ In June 2020 Dependabot was natively integrated into GitHub. This allows to use automated dependency updates and security vulnerability alerts.
Created the dependabot.yml
file and configured updates for GitHub Actions and Yarn/NPM. The documentation also mentions the need to manually enable or disable Dependabot per repository.
The full changelog ist available here