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Use Trivy as a plug-in vulnerability scanner in the Harbor registry


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Harbor Scanner Adapter for Trivy

The Harbor Scanner Adapter for Trivy is a service that translates the Harbor scanning API into Trivy commands and allows Harbor to use Trivy for providing vulnerability reports on images stored in Harbor registry as part of its vulnerability scan feature.


Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the adapter service up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy on a live system.



Run make to build the binary in ./scanner-trivy:


To build into a Docker container:

make container

Running on minikube

  1. Set up environment for the Docker client:
    $ eval $(minikube docker-env)
  2. Build a Docker image aquasec/harbor-scanner-trivy:dev:
    $ make container
  3. Install the harbor-scanner-trivy release with helm:
    $ helm install harbor-scanner-trivy ./helm/harbor-scanner-trivy \
                   --namespace harbor \
                   --set "scanner.logLevel=trace" \
                   --set "scanner.trivy.vulnType=os\,library" \
                   --set "image.tag=dev"


Unit testing alone doesn't provide guarantees about the behaviour of the adapter. To verify that each Go module correctly interacts with its collaborators, more coarse grained testing is required as described in Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture.

Unit testing

Run make test to run all unit tests:

make test

Integration testing

Run make test-integration to run integration tests:

make test-integration

Component testing

Running out of process component tests is not fully automated yet (see #38). However, you can run them as follows:

docker-compose -f test/component/docker-compose.yaml up -d
make test-component
docker-compose -f test/component/docker-compose.yaml down



  1. Generate certificate and private key files:
    $ openssl genrsa -out tls.key 2048
    $ openssl req -new -x509 \
                  -key tls.key \
                  -out tls.crt \
                  -days 365 \
                  -subj /CN=harbor-scanner-trivy.harbor
  2. Install the harbor-scanner-trivy chart:
    $ helm install harbor-scanner-trivy ./helm/harbor-scanner-trivy \
                   --namespace harbor \
                   --set service.port=8443 \
                   --set scanner.api.tlsEnabled=true \
                   --set scanner.api.tlsCertificate="`cat tls.crt`" \
                   --set scanner.api.tlsKey="`cat tls.key`"
  3. Configure the scanner adapter in Harbor web console.
    1. Navigate to Interrogation Services and click + NEW SCANNER. Scanners config
    2. Enter https://harbor-scanner-trivy.harbor:8443 as the Endpoint URL and click TEST CONNECTION. Add scanner
    3. If everything is fine click ADD to save the configuration.
  4. Select the Trivy scanner and set it as default by clicking SET AS DEFAULT. Set Trivy as default scanner Make sure that the Default label is displayed next to the Trivy scanner's name.


Configuration of the adapter is done via environment variables at startup.

Name Default Description
SCANNER_LOG_LEVEL info The log level of trace, debug, info, warn, warning, error, fatal or panic. The standard logger logs entries with that level or anything above it.
SCANNER_API_SERVER_ADDR :8080 Binding address for the API server
SCANNER_API_SERVER_TLS_CERTIFICATE N/A The absolute path to the x509 certificate file
SCANNER_API_SERVER_TLS_KEY N/A The absolute path to the x509 private key file
SCANNER_API_SERVER_READ_TIMEOUT 15s The maximum duration for reading the entire request, including the body
SCANNER_API_SERVER_WRITE_TIMEOUT 15s The maximum duration before timing out writes of the response
SCANNER_API_SERVER_IDLE_TIMEOUT 60s The maximum amount of time to wait for the next request when keep-alives are enabled
SCANNER_TRIVY_CACHE_DIR /home/scanner/.cache/trivy Trivy cache directory
SCANNER_TRIVY_REPORTS_DIR /home/scanner/.cache/reports Trivy reports directory
SCANNER_TRIVY_DEBUG_MODE false The flag to enable or disable Trivy debug mode
SCANNER_TRIVY_VULN_TYPE os Comma-separated list of vulnerability types. Possible values os and library
SCANNER_TRIVY_SEVERITY UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL Comma-separated list of vulnerabilities severities to be displayed
SCANNER_TRIVY_IGNORE_UNFIXED false The flag to display only fixed vulnerabilities
SCANNER_STORE_REDIS_URL redis://harbor-harbor-redis:6379 Redis server URI for a redis store
SCANNER_STORE_REDIS_NAMESPACE harbor.scanner.trivy:store A namespace for keys in a redis store
SCANNER_STORE_REDIS_POOL_MAX_ACTIVE 5 The max number of connections allocated by the pool for a redis store
SCANNER_STORE_REDIS_POOL_MAX_IDLE 5 The max number of idle connections in the pool for a redis store
SCANNER_STORE_REDIS_SCAN_JOB_TTL 1h The time to live for persisting scan jobs and associated scan reports
SCANNER_JOB_QUEUE_REDIS_URL redis://harbor-harbor-redis:6379 Redis server URI for a jobs queue
SCANNER_JOB_QUEUE_REDIS_NAMESPACE harbor.scanner.trivy:job-queue A namespace for keys in a jobs queue
SCANNER_JOB_QUEUE_REDIS_POOL_MAX_ACTIVE 5 The max number of connections allocated by the pool for a jobs queue
SCANNER_JOB_QUEUE_REDIS_POOL_MAX_IDLE 5 The max number of idle connections in the pool for a jobs queue
SCANNER_JOB_QUEUE_WORKER_CONCURRENCY 1 The number of workers to spin-up for a jobs queue


  • Architecture: architectural decisions behind designing harbor-scanner-trivy.
  • Releases: how to release a new version of harbor-scanner-trivy.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.


Use Trivy as a plug-in vulnerability scanner in the Harbor registry







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  • Go 96.4%
  • Smarty 2.0%
  • Other 1.6%