Changes between versions will be tracked in the CHANGELOG.
composer require ambersive/yamlseeder
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=yaml-seeder
All the seeds will be executed if you run the classic
php artisan db:seed
Create a yml file in database/seeds-yaml. Please use the .yml file extension.
The structure of the the seed looks like:
model: \AMBERSIVE\Tests\Examples\Models\Migration
primaryKey: id
- migration
- batch
- id: 99
batch: 1
migration: 'users_test_table'
model: The model will define which data should be seeded.
primaryKey: Default it is 'id' if not defined.
exlude: Default is false. This defines if the file will be included within the normal db:seed process.
fieldsOnCreate: List of field name which defines which files will be need on a create statement. Make your fields nullable if you want to reduce the list.
data: Array of the actual data. Follow the structure of you model.
php artisan make:seeder-yaml demo --model=App/User
This command will create in the database/seeds-yaml folder a demo.yml file.
Please feel free to give us feedback or any improvement suggestions.
If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to Manuel Pirker-Ihl via All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.