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A machine learning library for Python and Rust, for PyTorch, Tensorflow and SKLearn models


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This package is for storing machine learning models with meta data in Rust so they can be used on the SurrealDB server.

What is SurrealML?

SurrealML is a feature that allows you to store trained machine learning models in a special format called 'surml'. This enables you to run these models in either Python or Rust, and even upload them to a SurrealDB node to run the models on the server


  1. A basic understanding of Machine Learning: You should be familiar with ML concepts, algorithms, and model training processes.
  2. Knowledge of Python: Proficiency in Python is necessary as SurrealML involves working with Python-based ML models.
  3. Familiarity with SurrealDB: Basic knowledge of how SurrealDB operates is required since SurrealML integrates directly with it.
  4. Python Environment Setup: A Python environment with necessary libraries installed, including SurrealML, PyTorch or SKLearn (depending on your model preference).
  5. SurrealDB Installation: Ensure you have SurrealDB installed and running on your machine or server


To install SurrealML, make sure you have Python installed. Then, install the SurrealML library and either PyTorch or SKLearn, based on your model choice. You can install the package with both PyTorch and SKLearn with the command below:

pip install "git+[sklearn,torch]"

If you want to use SurrealML with sklearn you will need the following installation:

pip install "git+[sklearn]"

For PyTorch:

pip install "git+[torch]"

For Tensorflow:

pip install "git+[tensorflow]"

After that, you can train your model and save it in the SurrealML format.

Compilation config

If nothing is configured the crate will compile the ONNX runtime into the binary. This is the default behaviour. However, you have 2 more options:

  • If you want to use an ONNX runtime that is installed on your system, you can set the environment variable ONNXRUNTIME_LIB_PATH before you compile the crate. This will make the crate use the ONNX runtime that is installed on your system.
  • If you want to statically compile the library, you can download it from and then build the crate this way:
$ tar xvf <onnx-archive-file> -C extract-dir
$ ORT_STRATEGY=system ORT_LIB_LOCATION=$(pwd)/extract-dir cargo build

Quick start with Sk-learn

Sk-learn models can also be converted and stored in the .surml format enabling developers to load them in any python version as we are not relying on pickle. Metadata in the file also enables other users of the model to use them out of the box without having to worry about the normalisation of the data or getting the right inputs in order. You will also be able to load your sk-learn models in Rust and run them meaning you can use them in your SurrealDB server. Saving a model is as simple as the following:

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from surrealml import SurMlFile, Engine
from surrealml.model_templates.datasets.house_linear import HOUSE_LINEAR # click on this HOUSE_LINEAR to see the data

# train the model
model = LinearRegression()["inputs"], HOUSE_LINEAR["outputs"])

# package and save the model
file = SurMlFile(model=model, name="linear", inputs=HOUSE_LINEAR["inputs"], engine=Engine.SKLEARN)

# add columns in the order of the inputs to map dictionaries passed in to the model

# add normalisers for the columns
file.add_normaliser("squarefoot", "z_score", HOUSE_LINEAR["squarefoot"].mean(), HOUSE_LINEAR["squarefoot"].std())
file.add_normaliser("num_floors", "z_score", HOUSE_LINEAR["num_floors"].mean(), HOUSE_LINEAR["num_floors"].std())
file.add_output("house_price", "z_score", HOUSE_LINEAR["outputs"].mean(), HOUSE_LINEAR["outputs"].std())

# save the file"./linear.surml")

# load the file
new_file = SurMlFile.load(path="./linear.surml", engine=Engine.SKLEARN)

# Make a prediction (both should be the same due to the perfectly correlated example data)
print(new_file.buffered_compute(value_map={"squarefoot": 5, "num_floors": 6}))
print(new_file.raw_compute(input_vector=[5, 6]))

Raw ONNX models

You may not have a model that is supported by the surrealml library. However, if you can convert the model into ONNX format by yourself, you can merely use the ONNX engine when saving your model with the following code:

file = SurMlFile(model=raw_onnx_model, name="linear", inputs=HOUSE_LINEAR["inputs"], engine=Engine.ONNX)

Python tutorial using Pytorch

First we need to have one script where we create and store the model. In this example we will merely do a linear regression model to predict the house price using the number of floors and the square feet.

Defining the data

We can create some fake data with the following python code:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import numpy as np

squarefoot = np.array([1000, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000, 2200, 2500, 2800, 3000, 3200], dtype=np.float32)
num_floors = np.array([1, 1, 1.5, 1.5, 2, 2, 2.5, 2.5, 3, 3], dtype=np.float32)
house_price = np.array([200000, 230000, 280000, 320000, 350000, 380000, 420000, 470000, 500000, 520000], dtype=np.float32)

We then get the parameters to perform normalisation to get better convergance with the following"

squarefoot_mean = squarefoot.mean()
squarefoot_std = squarefoot.std()
num_floors_mean = num_floors.mean()
num_floors_std = num_floors.std()
house_price_mean = house_price.mean()
house_price_std = house_price.std()

We then normalise our data with the code below:

squarefoot = (squarefoot - squarefoot.mean()) / squarefoot.std()
num_floors = (num_floors - num_floors.mean()) / num_floors.std()
house_price = (house_price - house_price.mean()) / house_price.std()

We then create our tensors so they can be loaded into our model and stack it together with the following:

squarefoot_tensor = torch.from_numpy(squarefoot)
num_floors_tensor = torch.from_numpy(num_floors)
house_price_tensor = torch.from_numpy(house_price)

X = torch.stack([squarefoot_tensor, num_floors_tensor], dim=1)

Defining our model

We can now define our linear regression model with loss function and an optimizer with the code below:

# Define the linear regression model
class LinearRegressionModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(LinearRegressionModel, self).__init__()
        self.linear = nn.Linear(2, 1)  # 2 input features, 1 output

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.linear(x)

# Initialize the model
model = LinearRegressionModel()

# Define the loss function and optimizer
criterion = nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)

Training our model

We are now ready to train our model on the data we have generated with 100 epochs with the following loop:

num_epochs = 1000
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    # Forward pass
    y_pred = model(X)

    # Compute the loss
    loss = criterion(y_pred.squeeze(), house_price_tensor)

    # Backward pass and optimization

    # Print the progress
    if (epoch + 1) % 100 == 0:
        print(f"Epoch [{epoch+1}/{num_epochs}], Loss: {loss.item():.4f}")

Saving our .surml file

Our model is now trained and we need some example data to trace the model with the code below:

test_squarefoot = torch.tensor([2800, 3200], dtype=torch.float32)
test_num_floors = torch.tensor([2.5, 3], dtype=torch.float32)
test_inputs = torch.stack([test_squarefoot, test_num_floors], dim=1)

We can now wrap our model in the SurMlFile object with the following code:

from surrealml import SurMlFile, Engine

file = SurMlFile(model=model, name="linear", inputs=inputs[:1], engine=Engine.PYTORCH)

The name is optional but the inputs and model are essential. We can now add some meta data to the file such as our inputs and outputs with the following code, however meta data is not essential, it just helps with some types of computation:

file.add_output("house_price", "z_score", house_price_mean, house_price_std)

It must be stressed that the add_column order needs to be consistent with the input tensors that the model was trained on as these now act as key bindings to convert dictionary inputs into the model. We need to also add the normalisers for our column but these will be automatically mapped therefore we do not need to worry about the order they are inputed, again, normalisers are optional, you can normalise the data yourself:

file.add_normaliser("squarefoot", "z_score", squarefoot_mean, squarefoot_std)
file.add_normaliser("num_floors", "z_score", num_floors_mean, num_floors_std)

We then save the model with the following code:"./test.surml")

Loading our .surml file in Python

If you have followed the previous steps you should have a .surml file saved with all our meta data. We load it with the following code:

from surrealml import SurMlFile, Engine

new_file = SurMlFile.load("./test.surml", engine=Engine.PYTORCH)

Our model is now loaded. We can now perform computations.

Buffered computation in Python

This is where the computation utilises the data in the header. We can do this by merely passing in a dictionary as seen below:

    "squarefoot": 1.0,
    "num_floors": 2.0

Uploading our model to SurrealDB

We can upload our trained model with the following code:

url = ""

Running SurrealQL operations against our trained model

With this, we can perform SQL statements in our database. To test this, we can create the following rows:

CREATE house_listing SET squarefoot_col = 500.0, num_floors_col = 1.0;
CREATE house_listing SET squarefoot_col = 1000.0, num_floors_col = 2.0;
CREATE house_listing SET squarefoot_col = 1500.0, num_floors_col = 3.0;

				squarefoot: squarefoot_col,
				num_floors: num_floors_col
			}) AS price_prediction
		FROM house_listing
	WHERE price_prediction > 177206.21875;

What is happening here is that we are feeding the columns from the table house_listing into a model we uploaded called house-price-prediction with a version of 0.0.1. We then get the results of that trained ML model as the column price_prediction. We then use the calculated predictions to filter the rows giving us the following result:

    "id": "house_listing:7bo0f35tl4hpx5bymq5d",
    "num_floors_col": 3,
    "price_prediction": 406534.75,
    "squarefoot_col": 1500
    "id": "house_listing:8k2ttvhp2vh8v7skwyie",
    "num_floors_col": 2,
    "price_prediction": 291870.5,
    "squarefoot_col": 1000

Loading our .surml file in Rust

We can now load our .surml file with the following code:

use crate::storage::surml_file::SurMlFile;

let mut file = SurMlFile::from_file("./test.surml").unwrap();

Raw computation in Rust

You can have an empty header if you want. This makes sense if you're doing something novel, or complex such as convolutional neural networks for image processing. To perform a raw computation you can merely just do the following:

let x = Tensor::f_from_slice::<f32>(&[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]).unwrap().reshape(&[2, 2]);
let outcome = file.model.forward_ts(&[x]);
println!("{:?}", outcome);

However if you want to use the header you need to perform a buffered computer

Buffered computation in Rust

This is where the computation utilises the data in the header. We can do this by wrapping our File struct in a ModelComputation struct with the code below:

use crate::execution::compute::ModelComputation;

let computert_unit = ModelComputation {
    surml_file: &mut file

Now that we have this wrapper we can create a hashmap with values and keys that correspond to the key bindings. We can then pass this into a buffered_compute that maps the inputs and applies normalisation to those inputs if normalisation is present for that column with the following:

let mut input_values = HashMap::new();
input_values.insert(String::from("squarefoot"), 1.0);
input_values.insert(String::from("num_floors"), 2.0);

let outcome = computert_unit.buffered_compute(&mut input_values);
println!("{:?}", outcome);