A convolutional auto-encoder library for modelling image-to-image transformations
and apply_cae
requires: pytorch, xarray, netcdf4, dask
requires xarray, netcdf4, pillow, seaborn, matplotlib
A suitable conda environment can be obtained using:
conda create -n pyt python=3.8 pytorch xarray dask netcdf4 pillow seaborn matplotlib scipy
conda activate pyt
Install cae_tools into a python or conda environment containing the above dependencies, then:
git clone git@github.com:surftemp/cae_tools.git
cd cae_tools`
pip install -e .
To train:
train_cae --train-inputs test/data/16x16_256x256/train.nc --test-inputs test/data/16x16_256x256/test.nc --model-folder=/tmp/mymodel --input-variables lowres --output-variable=hires --nr-epochs=500 --method conv
method options are "conv" or "var" for convolutional autoencder or variational autoencoder, "unet" for convolutional autoencoder with skip connections, "linear" for a simple linear model
Useful training parameters:
Name | Description |
--latent-size | size of the latent layer (compressed representation) in neurons, defaults to 4 |
--fc-size | size of the fully connected layers immediately before and after the latent layer, defaults to 16 |
--batch-size | size of each training batch, defaults to 10 |
--learning-rate | the optimisers learning rate, defaults to 0.001 |
--stride | stride to use in convolutional layers", defaults to 2 |
--kernel-size | kernel size to use in convolutional layers, defaults to 3 |
--input-layer-count | number of input convolutional layers, defaults to auto (reduce image size to approximately 3x3) |
--output-layer-count | number of output convolutional layers, defaults to auto (reduce image size to approximately 3x3) |
To apply:
apply_cae test/data/16x16_256x256/train.nc train_scores.nc --model-folder=/tmp/mymodel --input-variables lowres --prediction-variable hires_estimate
apply_cae test/data/16x16_256x256/test.nc test_scores.nc --model-folder=/tmp/mymodel --input-variables lowres --prediction-variable hires_estimate
To evaluate:
evaluate_cae train_scores.nc test_score.nc evaluation.html --input-variables lowres --output-variable hires --model-folder=/tmp/mymodel --prediction-variable hires_estimate
To retrain an existing model, use --continue-training
(note that training parameters are reused from the model and cannot be set on the command line):
train_cae test/data/16x16_256x256/train.nc test/data/16x16_256x256/test.nc --continue-training --model-folder=/tmp/mymodel --input-variables lowres --output-variable=hires --nr-epochs=500
For help, run train_cae --help
or apply_cae --help
See source code for ConvAEModel for documentation
import xarray as xr
from cae_tools.models.conv_ae_model import ConvAEModel
from cae_tools.models.model_evaluator import ModelEvaluator
train_path = "train.nc"
test_path = "test.nc"
# train the model to reconstruct variable "hires" from variable "lowres"
mt = ConvAEModel(fc_size=8, encoded_dim_size=4, nr_epochs=500)
train_ds = xr.open_dataset(train_path)
test_ds = xr.open_dataset(test_path)
mt.train(["lowres"], "hires", training_ds=train_ds, testing_ds=test_ds, training_paths=train_path, testing_paths=test_path)
# print a summary of the layers
# persist the model
# now reload the trained model to create estimates of the "hires" variable from the train/test datasets
mt2 = ConvAEModel()
mt2.apply(train_ds, ["lowres"], "hires_estimate")
train_ds.to_netcdf( "train_scores.nc")
mt2.apply(test_ds, ["lowres"], "hires_estimate")
# perform model evaluation, write results to evaluation_results.html
me = ModelEvaluator("train_scores.nc","test_scores.nc",["lowres"],"hires","evaluation_results.html","hires_estimate","/tmp/mymodel")
input and output data needs to be 4-dimensional, organised by (N,channel,y,x)
training and test data should be supplied in separate files.
Example file format for training or test data
netcdf4 files for model train or test
Inputs are low resolution 16x16, for example:
Outputs are high resolution 256x256, for example:
Model trained on input-output pairs can then reconstruct the high resolution outputs from low resolution inputs:
Not all API options are available in the CLI tools apply_cae
and train_cae
- Currently not possible to control the number of input (encoder) and output (decoder) layers, these are decided automatically
- Need proper documentation of the API parameters that exist
- model retraining not tested
- multiple channel input or output data not tested
- not yet tested with a range of input/output geometries (especially non-square)
To run all unit tests, first run the test data generator (only one set of synthetic data is stored in the repo)
python test/datagen/gen.py
Run unit tests using:
python tests/unittests/quick.py