Code for experiments in "Multi-Class Learning using Unlabeled Samples: Theory and Algorithm" ( The paper has been published in IJCAI-19.
- ./data/: Store parameter tuning results.
- ./datasets/: Store primal libsvm style datasets. All datasets are available in LibSVM Data.
- ./result/: Store final results for experiments.
- ./libsvm/: Libvm tools used in codes, including lisvmread, which is provided in libsvm.
- ./code/core_functions: Core functions used in expereiments, including the proposed algorithm, cross validition and so on.
- ./code/utils/: Common utils used in experiments.
- ./code/tune_parameters.m: Tune optimal parameters set and save them.
- ./code/parameter_observe.m: Load parameter tuning results and choose the best one.
- ./code/experiment_*.m: Scripts for experiments.
Just run experiment_*.m individually.