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This repository is deprecated and it was moved to the monorepo. Repository will remain live to support old versions of the library, but any new updates MUST be done on the monorepo.

Swift client for the GoTrue API.


The usage should be the same as gotrue-js except:


  • signIn with OAuth2 provider only return provider url. Users have to launch that url to continue the auth flow.
  • After receiving callback uri from OAuth2 provider, use session(from url: URL) to parse session data.

Running Examples

For running the examples project you'll have to provide your own Supabase project.

$ cp Examples/Shared/Sources/_Secrets.swift Examples/Shared/Sources/Secrets.swift
$ Examples/Shared/Sources/Secrets.swift # Or use you favorite editor

Replace {PROJECT_ID} and {ANON_KEY} with real values for your project on the Supabase portal.

Check Examples for example usages.


  • Fork the repo on GitHub
  • Clone the project to your own machine
  • Commit changes to your own branch
  • Push your work back up to your fork
  • Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes and merge


This repo is licensed under MIT.
