Graphql server that sends out ELM application on GET request to root route /
. Elm app subsequently makes graphql POST requests on /graphql
The wai server opens up GET and POST routes to /graphql for incoming graphql queries that are subsequently handled by Graphql-api.
A GET route on /
sends /spa/index.html
out (index.html is embedded with a simple elm Single Page Application (SPA).
The /graphql
POST route can also be queried with the chrome-graphiql plugin. Just set the server address to http://localhost:8000/graphql
. Do NOT forget the http://
Graphql-api is, as far as I know, the farthest along graphql server module for Haskell (23/December/2017). It's a work in progress. I have successfully parsed requests for data from the Elm client, but still working on bringing Graphql-api closer to spec.
Simple SPA at present (23/December/2017).
Send request to server at localhost:8000/graphql
The /spa
directory holds all of the elm code. It must be compiled separately with elm-make index.elm --output=index.html
Roll query document and interpret response. Print graphql query and response.