Optimizes refugee flow using Dijkstra's and Genetic Algorithm
This project was developed collaborately with Sarah Wu and Jennifer Zou.
Our team's solution was awarded Meritorious Winner by the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM). The full certificate can be found here
The full problem document is found here
During the 2015 refugee crisis, hundreds of thousands of refugees migrated to European countries primarily using six main routes (Article):
- West Mediterranean
- Central Mediterranean
- Eastern Mediterranean
- West Balkans
- Eastern Borders
- Albania to Greece
The UN has asked your team, the ICM-RUN (RefUgee aNalytics) to help develop a better understanding of the factors involved with facilitating the movement of refugees from their countries of origin into safe- haven countries.
Our team modeled the refugee crisis using an agent-based modeling environment and optimized the refugee flow via a combination of Dijkstra's Algorithm and a Genetic Algorithm.
The final solution paper can be found here
A screenshot of the genetic algorithm modeling the refugee immigration in NetLogo: