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Performance Test (Python vs Javascript)

I wanted to compare performance and memory consumption of frameworks and languages that I choose to develop backend servers. This repository contains minimal server setups for 4 frameworks with same code snippet.

I'll keep on updating these benchmark results with different test I'll be performing. You can refer to Changelog section for updates.

How comparison will be done ?

All of these 4 server expose API endpoints execute a similar code snippet. We'll perform a load test on each of these API using autocannon and monitor performances of each framework based on the number of request it can serve with respect to variation in number of concurrent users.


We know that Javascript & Python are both single threaded and interpreted language. So when to choose what?

Right, there already are a lot of references on internet, but I actually wanted to show you and let yourself decide what is best for your use case.

Many of us believe that Javascript & NodeJS is better than Python because of it's asynchronous nature. Well, that's a myth. It is somewhat true but not completely.

Asynchronous nature of Javascript is provided by event-loop, which is provided to javascript by libuv library. If somehow we're able to add similar event-loop to our python thread, will python be on par with javascript's performance? Answer is still NO. It's because of the underlying differences between their interpreters.

Javascript uses V8 as default interpreter which uses less memory to execute JS code than Python's interpreter. Core differences lie in how they manage memory & CPU during execution.

There were asynchronous options available in Python Community using asyncio but now there is another better and faster alternative to that known as uvloop which is provided by the same libuv library that power Javascript's event-loop.

Now difference remains at Interpreter level. You can still choose pypy, a better & faster alternative to default python interpreter.

We'll stick to the default Interpreters for both Javascript & Python.


  • Django : Synchronous (Support for ASGI in progress) - Python
  • Fastapi : Asynchronous (using uvloop) - Python
  • Express : Asynchronous (NodeJS) - Javascript
  • Fastify : Asynchronous (NodeJS) - Javascript


Django or Fastapi Server

Change your directory django_server or fastapi_server

$ cd django_server


$ cd fastapi_server

For each directory run following commands:

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

For django_server

$ python runserver

For fastapi_server

$ python src/

and kill the server using ctrl+c.

Express or Fastify Server

Change your directory express_server or fastify_server

$ cd express_server


$ cd fastify_server

For each directory run following commands:

$ npm install
$ node index.js

Install autocannon

$ npm i -g autocannon

Test #1

Running single process/worker of application to utilize only 1 CPU core for processing of any data



Framework Nature Logs Enabled Users Duration (sec) Requests Min Req/Sec Avg Req/Sec Avg Latency (ms)
Django sync ✔️ 10 10.08 ~ 4000 364 432 22.45
Django sync ✔️ 100 10.12 ~ 4000 379 425 230.04
Fastapi sync ✔️ 10 10.05 ~ 15000 1230 1497 6.18
Fastapi async ✔️ 10 10.07 ~ 18000 1661 1807 4.97
Fastapi sync ✔️ 100 10.09 ~ 19000 1659 1865 53.05
Fastapi async ✔️ 100 10.09 ~ 22000 1972 2216 44.56
Fastapi sync ✔️ 500 10.14 ~ 18000 1409 1793 276.15
Fastapi async ✔️ 500 10.15 ~ 22000 1457 2201 226.42
Expres sync ✔️ 10 10.06 ~ 34000 3106 3422 2.44
Expres async ✔️ 10 10.06 ~ 35000 3116 3458 2.42
Expres sync ✔️ 100 10.07 ~ 35000 2864 3491 28.14
Expres async ✔️ 100 10.07 ~ 35000 2949 3505 28.02
Fastify sync ✔️ 10 10.06 ~ 41000 3272 4099 1.89
Fastify async ✔️ 10 10.07 ~ 39000 3522 3944 1.99
Fastify sync ✔️ 100 10.01 ~ 40000 3117 4023 24.36
Fastify async ✔️ 100 10.08 ~ 39000 2876 3878 25.28
Express async 100 11.08 ~ 58000 5105 5287 18.42
Fastify async 100 11.09 ~ 104000 6676 9448 10.09


  • Django is really heavy & slow framework to develop small projects or microservices.
  • Asynchronous code behave similar to synchronous code while performing CPU intensive tasks.
    • Each event loop process handles single core of CPU and a single core can process one CPU request at any time.
    • In python there is noticable difference between sync and async execution. This has to do something with how Python interpreter allocate memory to async functions
  • Lower you keep your API latency (response time), higher number of request you serve.
  • For a particular api latency increases with increase in number of concurrent connection/users.
  • Logging library plays an important role, but also it slow down request/response cycle of your application.
  • Fastapi is one of the fastest python micro framework .
  • Javascript is really light weight as compared to Python.


  • Logging should always be done asynchronously or via streaming.
  • Javascript is better than python in terms of CPU utilization or IO operation.

Use Javascript

  • When you want to handle heavy load on server. Some use cases:
    • Real time traffic
    • Heavy IO
    • CPU Intensive Task (Use child process, Don't block the event loop)

Use Python

  • When you want to do any Data Science related tasks because python has great support for Data Science. Some use cases:
    • Data analytics
    • Machine learning
    • Math-intensive operations like predictions & Forecasting
    • Generating Graphs, Charts, PDF and other docs at server side.