🌱 I’m currently learning Machine Learning.
👨💻 Wanna see my Portfolio? https://sumitkumarrai.co/
💬 Ask me about Data Structure and Algorithms, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
📫 How to reach me? sumitkrkanti@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences Resume
🌱 I’m currently learning Machine Learning.
👨💻 Wanna see my Portfolio? https://sumitkumarrai.co/
💬 Ask me about Data Structure and Algorithms, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
📫 How to reach me? sumitkrkanti@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences Resume
This repo is a part of the Striver SDE Sheet Challenge. These problems have been solved by me from the Striver's SDE Sheet during this challenge. I am solving 3-4 questions daily so that I could so…
C++ 2
This project is entirely created using MERN Stack. I created this web app while learning React and for the backend, I used MongoDB to provide it with a database with the help of Node.js and Express…
JavaScript 3
This project is created using Node.js, Express.js, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I took the help of MailChimp API to store the data provided by the user. It basically takes the Name and email of the us…
This is a to-do-list app where user can add items in the list and delete an item after a work is completed. Tech Stack used in creating this project includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express…
A blog website where I can post blogs. It was creating when I was learning to use EJS to create multiple pages and mongoose to store the data.