LibroSphere-Bookshelf is a personal web application designed to help users organize their non-fiction book reviews, track reading progress, and maintain notes for easy reference. Featuring sorting options, an integrated cover image fetcher, and an intuitive note-taking interface, BookNotes brings simplicity and structure to book tracking.
Home Page with Book List: Displays all stored books with sorting options by title, rating, or date read.
Add/Edit/Delete Books: Easy CRUD operations for book entries, including details like title, author, date read, description, and cover image.
Automated Cover Image Fetching: Uses the Open Library API to retrieve and store book covers based on ISBN.
Data Persistence: Stores book and note data in a PostgreSQL database for robust, scalable storage.
Clone the Repository.
Install Dependencies Ensure you have Node.js and PostgreSQL installed, then run:- npm install
Set up PostgreSQL Database In pgAdmin or using the psql command-line, create the following database structure:
Database: bookNotes Tables:-
books Column Type Description
id SERIAL Primary key
isbn VARCHAR ISBN of the book
title VARCHAR Book title
author VARCHAR Book author
description TEXT Book description
rating INTEGER Rating (out of 5)
date_read DATE Date the book was read
image_path TEXT Path to the book cover image -
notes Column Type Description
id SERIAL Primary key
note TEXT The note content
book_id INTEGER Foreign key referencing -
Create an .env File Add a .env file in the root of your project with the following variables:- env Copy code DB_USER=your_db_user DB_PASSWORD=your_db_password DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=5432 DB_DATABASE=bookNotes PORT=3000
Start the Express Server:- nodemon index.js
Then, visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access BookNotes.
Open Library API: Used to fetch book cover images based on ISBN. Covers are downloaded, saved locally, and displayed in the app.
View All Books: Displays a list of all books with sortable options.
Add a Book: Opens a form to add new book details. After adding the ISBN, the cover image is automatically fetched.
Edit Book Details: Allows editing of book details and cover image.
Delete a Book: Deletes the selected book and its associated notes.
View and Manage Notes: Each book page has a section to add, edit, or delete notes.
🔧 Additional Notes
Make sure your database connection details in .env match your PostgreSQL setup.
Cover images are stored in the /public/assets/images/covers directory. Make sure this directory is accessible for image rendering.
🔗 License This project is licensed under the MIT License.