A Collections of C++ STL Implementation (pseudo code).
- Containers Library
- Dynamic Memory Library
- String Library
- Algorithms Library
- Iterator Library
- RE Library
- Input/Output Library
- Contribution
- Authors
- Credits
- License
A Container is an object used to store objects and taking care of management of the memory used by the objects it contains.
Sequence container
- array
- vector
- deque
- forword_list
- list
Container adaptors
- stack
- queue
- priority_queue
Associative containers
- set
- multiset
- map
- multimap
Unordered associative continers
- unordered_set
- unordered_multiset
- unordered_map
- unordered_multimap
Feel free to submit pull request to help:
- Improve sections
- Add new sections
- Other bugs
- Sumant Mani
- Need contribution :)
Copyright © 2018 Sumant Mani
License: GPL-3.0