- Internet (IP, DNS, Proxy, domain)
- World Wide Web
- Client-Server Architecture vs Peer-Peer (P2P)
- Web Page vs Website vs Web Server vs Web browser
- Static Websites vs Dynamic Websites
- HTTP/S Protocol (Request Methods, Headers, Cache, Cookies, Compression, CORS, CSP, Response codes), FTP.
- Browsers (Rendering Engines-Blink, Gecko, Webkit, JavaScript Engines-V8, SpiderMonkey, JavascriptCore)
- Browser Search Engines (Google)
- Character Encodings (UTF, ASCII)
- Licenses (Open Source vs Closed Source, CC, MIT, Apache, GPL, LGPL)
- Semantic Versioning
- UI/UX (Prototype/ Wireframes)
- Web Standards (W3C, WHATWG, ECMAScript, TC39)
- Internationalization(i18n), Localization
- Polyfill
- Environment Variables
- Regular Expressions
- Splash screen
- Input validation
- 12 Factors
- Data exchange formats (JSON, XML, Protobuf (Protocol Buffers by Google))
- CDN (Content Delivery Network)
- Terminal/CMD usage (Basic Commands)
- VS Code
- nodemon
- React Developer Tools
- Node.js Debugging
- Node.js profiling
- Curl
- Insomnia
- Postman
- Respresso
- HTML5, Semantics, Accessibility(A11y), Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (aka WCAG) & Accessible Rich Internet Applications (aka ARIA)
- Vector graphics to the Web (SVG)
- Document structure
CSS - Styling (UI/UX)
- CSS3, Responsive Web Design (Media Queries, Relative units), Animations, UI-Lazy loading
- CSS Box model, Grid, Flexbox, Positioning
- CSS First - Bootstrap
- JS Based - Material UI, Ant Design
- JavaScript (Syntax, Concepts like hoisting, closure, generators)
- Module system (CommonJS vs AMD vs UMD vs ESM)
- ESNext (ECMAScript - Rest/Spread, Destructuring, Template Literals, let/const, for-await, for-of)
- script async vs defer
- Async programming (Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await, Error handling)
- OOP (Objects, Prototypes, Classes)
- Understanding functions, context and binding in JavaScript
- Events (Bubbling)
- DOM Manipulation
- Device APIs
- Communication APIs
- Data management APIs (localstorage, sessionstorage, webSQL, indexeddb)
- Fetch vs AJAX (XMLHttpRequest)
- Cookies vs Sessions
- Intersection Observer
- WebVR, WebSpeech, WebXR, WebUSB, WebBluetooth, WebAuth, Creds, Native FS, Share)
- Graphics (WebAnimations, 2D (Canvas, SVG), 3D (WebGL), Video/Audio, WebAudio WebRTC)
- Streams
- DOM vs virtual DOM vs shadow DOM
- Styles components
- CSS modules
- https://dev.to/sudhakar3697/intro-to-progressive-web-apps-34oo
- App shell
- Latest Web APIs (Refer the Web/Browser API section)
- Server-Sent Events (SSE)
- Web sockets
- Service workers (Workbox)
- Push notifications
- WebAPK, Trusted Web Activity (TWA)
- Single Page Apps (SPA) vs MPA (traditional)
- [CSR / Server-Side Rendering (Next.js), sapper) / Hydration, Pre-Rendering](https://www.toptal.com/front-end/client-side-vs-server-side-pre-rendering)
- Template engines
- GatsbyJS
- WASI (Lucet, wasmer, wasmtime), https://bytecodealliance.org
- GraphQL
- SOAP ❌
- RPC ❌ (https://blog.jscrambler.com/rpc-style-vs-rest-web-apis)
- Express.js (Middlewares, Sessions, Streaming the response from Node.js Server)
- MongoDB & MongoDB Atlas
- dgraph or Neo4j
- Client-side : HTTP Cache
- Server-side : Redis, MemCached
- Functions (AWS Lambda/ Azure functions/ Google Cloud functions)
- Databases (Firebase cloud firestore, Amazon aurora, Azure Data lake, Google cloud datastore)
- Cookies
- Basic
- Token Auth
- OAuth 2.0 (Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE))
- OpenID Connect
- Active directory, LDAP, NTLM, Kerberos, SAML, Single Sign-On
- Certificates
- RabbitMQ or Kafka
- ElasticSearch
- https://infosec.mozilla.org/guidelines/web_security
- OWASP (SQL injection, XSS, Broken auth/session management, CSRF)
- HTTPS, Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS)
- Content-Security-Policy (CSP)
- Subresource Integrity (SRI)
- Hash passwords (
MD5,SHA-1, Use Argon2, PBKDF2, scrypt or bcrypt) - Hashing vs Encryption vs Encoding
- Measuring performance (RAIL)
- Tools (Lighthouse, WebPageTest, PageSpeed Insights, Chrome dev tools)
- Code splitting, Lazy loading
- instant loading with the PRPL pattern
- Jest, Enzyme, Cypress
- Lighthouse, DevTools
- Markdown
- JSDoc
- Swagger (https://app.swaggerhub.com/)
- SEO Friendly URLs (Slug)
- Source code protection
- pkg
- Docker, Kubernetes, Unikernels
- Web Servers (Apache, Nginx)
- https (letsencrypt)
- Static hosting (Netlify, Github pages)
- Tunnels (Ngrok)
- Proxy, VPN
- Logging (morgan, winston)
- Load balancing
- Backups
- Domain registration (Namecheap, Google domains), cPanel
- Managed hosting (InMotion, Hostgator, Bluehost)
- OOP (Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Aggregation and Composition)
- Web Scrapping
- Bot
- Web Hooks
- Web bundle
- gRPC
- HTTP/2, HTTP/3
- Headless browsers
- Automate browsers (Playwright, Puppeteer)
- React Native. For alternatives ReactNative-alternatives
- electron. For alternatives electron-alternatives
- Map of Computer Science
- Programming (Binary, Pointers, Dynamic memory allocation, Memory leak, Garbage collection, Recursion, Concurrency, Parallelism, Multi-threading, Asynchronous, Compile vs interpret vs transpile, JIT, AOT, Exception Handling )
- Software Engineering (SDLC, UML, Blackbox vs Whitebox Testing)
- Operating Systems (Boot process, System Calls, Process, Threads, CPU Scheduling, IPC, Concurrency, Synchronization, Deadlock, Memory management, Disk management, File systems, POSIX (stdin, stdout, stderr, pipes), I/O)
- Database Systems (ER model, Normalization, Indexing,(sparse,dense,multilevel,clustered) B,B+, Query Optimization, Transactions, ACID, Replication, Sharding, CAP theorem, N+1 Problem)
- Computer Networks, Data Communication (OSI Layer, ISP) & Informaion Security (cryptography- encryption, Hash, TLS, Digital signatures,certificates, Firewalls)
- Computer Organization & Architecture, Digital electronics (Combinational vs Sequential circuits), Microprocessors (ASM), Microcontrollers (Memory hierarchy, Number System)
- Data Science (Big data, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning)
- Data Structures
- Algorithms (Searching, Sorting, Hashing)
- Algorithm Design Techniques (Greedy, Divide & Conquery, Dynamic programming)
- Asymptotic worst case time and space complexity analysis
- Theory of Computation, Compiler design (Optional)
- Distributed Systems
- Cloud Computing & Virtualization
- Internet of Things (Optional)
- Mathematics, Statistics (As applicable to CS)
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web/How_the_Web_works
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/How_does_the_Internet_work
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API
- https://platform.html5.org/
- https://whatwebcando.today/
- https://caniuse.com/