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A REST API for monitoring the calories consumed, written in Python.

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Calories API

A rest API to manage calories consumed by users, written in Python.


πŸͺ› Libraries / Tools Used

  • FastAPI - for creating REST APIs
  • SQLite - for storing user data and login sessions
  • Pytest and Playwright - for testing
  • Black - for reformatting

🌟 Features

  1. User can register and login.
  2. User can add and delete the calories consumed by him/her.
  3. Daily calorie goal can be set by the user and can regularly monitor them.
  4. User can also view the calories consumed by him/her in a particular date range.
  5. Admins and user managers can control other user's calorie data and their daily goals.

πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ Roles

There are three roles

  • User: Users can enter their own calorie data and view them. Not allowed to view or edit any other user's data.

  • User Manager: User manager or simply manager can view and edit any user's calorie data. They can also view and edit any user's daily calorie goal.

  • Admin: Admins can do everything that a manager can do along with the priviledge of removing any user's / manager's data.

Note: For simplicity, the roles are depicted by integers. 0 stands for user, 1 for manager, 2 for admin. Refer utilities/roles for more.

πŸ“Š Database

  • user: stores athe user data with the following fields

    • ID: unique UUID for each user
    • username: username of the user
    • password: hashed password of the user
    • email: email of the user
    • role: role of the user (user, manager, admin)
  • sessions: stores the session with the following fields

    • id: unique id of the session
    • jwt_token: jwt token of the session
    • username: user signed in
  • expected_calories: stores the daily calorie goal of the user with the following fields

    • ID: unique id of the goal
    • username: username of the user
    • calories: daily calorie goal of the user
    • date: date of the goal
  • <username>_calorie: stores the list of food consumed along with the date and time with the following fields

    • ID: unique id of the food
    • food_name: name of the food
    • calories: calories of the food
    • date: date when the food was consumed
    • time: time when the food was consumed

This table is created after signing up.

πŸ’» API Endpoints

/auth/signup/ Create a new user with any of the following roles - user, manager, admin - -
/auth/login/ Login with username and password - -
/auth/logout/ Logs out and deletes the session - -
/calories/entry/ Enter a new food with valid calorie. If calorie is not provided, the calorie is automatically taken from the nutritionix api. - Deletes the food entered before with food-id belonging to username(optional)
/calories/list - Get the list of food consumed from from_date to to_date by username. All the params are optional, by-default the list is shown on daily basis by logged-in user. -
/calories/goal/ sets the calorie goal for the day. Shows the calorie goal summed up from from-date to to-date of username. params=status just shows whether you have fulfilled the goal or not. -


  • The username param / json key is only accessible by the admins and the user managers. That means users can't change or view other's progress.

The request / params model is shown below

  1. /auth/signup/
  • JSON Request
    "username": <unique-string>,
    "name": <string>,
    "email": <email>,
    "password": <password>,
    "role": <admin/manager/user>
  • JSON Response
    "username": <string>,
    "email": <string>,
    "role": <string>,
    "msg": "User created successfully"
  1. /auth/login/
  • Form body request
Key Value
username string
password string
  • JSON Response
    "access_token": <JWT-Token>,
    "msg": "Logged in"
  1. /auth/logout/ - no request body needed

  2. /calories/entry/


  • JSON Request
    "food_name": <string>,
    "calories": <float/integer>
    "username": <string>
  • JSON Response
    "payload": {
        "food_name": "bacon",
        "calories": 161.46,
        "date": "2023-06-18",
        "time": "11:20:08.909626"
    "msg": "Food entered successfully",
    "goal_reached": null


  • Params
Key Value
username string
food_id integer
  1. /calories/goal/


  • Params
Key Value
username string
from_date date
to_date date
  • JSON Response
    "msg": 3500


  • JSON Request
    "calories": <int>,
    "username": <string>
  • JSON Response
    "payload": {
        "username": <string>,
        "calories": 3500,
        "date": "2023-06-18"
    "msg": "Limit set successfully"
  1. /calories/list/


  • Params
Key Value
username string
from_date date
to_date date
  • JSON Response
    "msg": [
            "id": 2,
            "food_name": "bacon",
            "calories": 100
            "id": 3,
            "food_name": "bacon",
            "calories": 100
  1. /admin/delete/{username} - enter the username and POST.

🧠 Core Calories Logic

  • All the endpoints are authenticated. Users need to create an account and login.
  • The name of the food as well as the calories can be mentioned or will be fetched automatically from nutritionix API if not specified. While POSTing the food details, goal_reached status will also be shown whether you have reached the goal (true) or not (false). If no daily goal is set, then it will show null.
  • Goals can be set on a daily basis and the total calorie goals can be shown on a daily basis or for a particular period of days. For example, you can see how much you have set the calorie goal for 5 days cumulative and as well as the goal_reached status whether you have reached the goal by summing up those 5 days food data.
  • Admins can enter, delete and view other user's and manager's food data and daily goals. Same goes for user managers, but they can't change an admin's data.

πŸš€ Installation

  • Clone this repository
  • Install all the libraries / dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Rename the file secrets.demo.cfg to secrets.cfg and enter the required values.


  1. To generate the secret key to encode the JWT token, execute the following command and paste it in the config file.
openssl rand -hex 32
  1. To get the nutritionix api key, create an account in nutritionix and get the api key from the developer portal. Don't exclose the keys in single/double quotes in config file
  • Run the server, the api will be live in https://localhost:8000/
uvicorn main:app --reload

πŸ“ƒ Directory

β”œβ”€β”€ auth/
β”œβ”€β”€ db/
β”œβ”€β”€ routes/
β”œβ”€β”€ schemas/
β”œβ”€β”€ tests/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ e2e/
β”‚   └── unit/
└── utilities/

πŸ§ͺ Testing

  • Install a dependency for pytest plugin for playwright
pip install pytest-playwright
  • To run all the unit tests, run the following command
python -m pytest tests/
  • All the tests are written with the convention test_<function_name>.py and the functions as test_<function_name>.

  • Unit tests are inside unit/ directory and e2e tests are inside e2e/ directory.



A REST API for monitoring the calories consumed, written in Python.






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