AWS Comprehend, Lambda orchestrated by Step Function build with Serverless Framework. The results are stored in DynamoDB
- The user uploads a CSV file with the feedback to S3
- There are two language EN & ES in which the customer had given their feedback
- S3 triggers a Lambda to read the file
- Step Function does batch processing of the feedback by language using AWS Comprehend
- This application inspects a batch of documents and returns an inference of the prevailing sentiment, POSITIVE, NEUTRAL, MIXED, or NEGATIVE, in each one
- The processed files are copied to another S3 bucket
- The number of documents in the request has a limit of 25
- 2/12/01,333,en,you are awesome
- 2/13/01,375,es,Eres asombroso
- Move the DynamoDB Put request from computeSentiment Lambda function to Step Functions
- Generate customer sentiment from the call recording with the IVR
- Use AWS Transcribe to convert it into text and then use the above flow