This is a simple demo of an AWS Step function using SNS (Simple Notification Service) and Wait state.
This sample project creates a step function with a task timer. It implements an AWS Step Functions state machine that implements a Wait
state, and uses an AWS Step function task that sends an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notification. A Wait
state is a state type that waits for a trigger to perform a single unit of work.
The entire stack is created using Serverless Framework (
- Install node.js and serverless framework (If you don't have Node.js on your machine, install it first)
npm install -g serverless
- Install the serverless-step-functions plugin
npm install --save-dev serverless-step-functions
- Create a S3 bucket to be used as serverless deployment bucket and update the provider section in the serverless.yml.
- Clone the repository.
git clone
- Modify provider section the serverless.yml file
name: aws
stackName: daylily-sls-stack
name: <Your Serverless Deployment Bucket Name>
serverSideEncryption: AES256
runtime: python3.9
stage: devl
region: us-east-1
Create a KMS Key in the region where you intend to deploy the stack and update the parameter section of the serverless.yml file
Run the following command to deploy the stack
sls deploy --verbose
- Run the following command to delete the stack
sls remove --verbose
- Go to the Step Function Console and use the sample input and start the execution
"waitSeconds": 10,
"Message": "Testing Step Function - Task Timer (Lambda, Amazon SNS)"
Post message in my blog (
Contributors names and contact info
Subhamay Bhattacharyya -
- 0.1
- Initial Release
[AWS] (