This is demonstration of a creating a Lambda layer with a custom Python library and adding the same to a Lambda function. The entire stack is created using Serverless Framework (
- Clone the repository
- Create a S3 bucket to store the Lambda code zip file.
- Zip and Upload the following Python file to taurus/code/python in the S3 bucket.
- (
- From the Command line, zip the Python library code/python/ including the python folder.
zip -r python/
- Execute the following Serverless commands from the project directory to create the stack:
sls deploy --verbose
- To delete the stack either delete from CloudFormation console or execute the following command:
sls remove --verbose
- Execute the Lambda function either from AWS Lambda console or AWS CLI.
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Contributors names and contact info
Subhamay Bhattacharyya -
- 0.1
- Initial Release