AWS CloudFormation nested stack templates.
This repository contains AWS CloudFormation templates for creating nested stacks. These templates help in managing and deploying AWS resources in a structured and reusable manner.
flowchart LR
%% Nodes
A("Setup Repository"):::green
B("Validate Template"):::yellow
C("Run Checkov Scan"):::purple
D("Create Release"):::blue
E("Create Pull Request"):::orange
F("Upload the templates to S3 Bucket"):::pink
%% Edges
A --> B --> C --> D --> E
A --> |Merge Pull Request|F
%% Styling
classDef green fill:#B2DFDB,stroke:#00897B,stroke-width:2px;
classDef orange fill:#FFE0B2,stroke:#FB8C00,stroke-width:2px;
classDef blue fill:#BBDEFB,stroke:#1976D2,stroke-width:2px;
classDef yellow fill:#FFF9C4,stroke:#FBC02D,stroke-width:2px;
classDef pink fill:#F8BBD0,stroke:#C2185B,stroke-width:2px;
classDef purple fill:#E1BEE7,stroke:#8E24AA,stroke-width:2px;
The VPC template (vpc/vpc.yaml) creates a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with optional IPv6 CIDR block support. It includes parameters for project name, environment, GitHub attributes, and VPC configuration.
- ProjectName: The Project name to be used as a resource tag value. Must be 5-30 characters long and contain only lowercase alphabets.
- Environment: The Environment name to be used as a resource tag value. Allowed values are "devl", "test", "prod".
- GitHubRef: GitHub Ref name to be used as a resource tag value. Can contain alphanumeric characters, slashes, underscores, and hyphens.
- GitHubURL: GitHub URL to be used as a resource tag value. Must start with '' and can contain alphanumeric characters, dots, underscores, and hyphens.
- GitHubWFRunNumber: The Workflow run number to be used as a resource tag value.
- GitHubSHA: The SHA value of the last commit to be used as a resource tag value. Must be a 40-character hexadecimal string.
- GitHubRepository: The GitHub Repository name to be used as a resource tag value. Must be 10-30 characters long, contain lowercase letters, numbers, dashes, and start with a letter.
- CiBuild: CI Build of the feature branch to be appended to a resource name.
- VPCCidrBlock: VPC CIDR Block. Must be in the form x.x.x.x/x.
- EnableIPV6Cidr: Boolean to enable IPv6 CIDR.
- VPC: Creates an AWS VPC with specified CIDR block, DNS support, and tags.
- IPv6CidrBlock: Adds an IPv6 CIDR block to the VPC if IPv6 is enabled.
- VpcId: The ID of the created VPC.
- VpcCidrBlock: The CIDR block of the VPC.
- VpcCidrBlockAssociations: The CIDR block associations of the VPC.
- VpcDefaultNetworkAcl: The default network ACL of the VPC.
- VpcDefaultSecurityGroup: The default security group of the VPC.
- VpcIpv6CidrBlocks: The IPv6 CIDR blocks of the VPC if IPv6 is enabled.
The Internet Gateway template (igw/igw.yaml) creates an Internet Gateway and attaches it to the VPC. It includes parameters for project name, environment, and VPC ID.
- ProjectName: The Project name to be used as a resource tag value. Must be 5-30 characters long and contain only lowercase alphabets.
- Environment: The Environment name to be used as a resource tag value. Allowed values are "devl", "test", "prod".
- VpcId: The ID of the VPC to which the Internet Gateway will be attached. Must be in the form 'vpc-' followed by alphanumeric characters.
- InternetGateway: Creates an Internet Gateway and attaches it to the specified VPC.
- InternetGatewayId: The ID of the created Internet Gateway.
The Subnet template (subnet/subnet.yaml) creates a Subnet within the specified VPC. It includes parameters for project name, environment, VPC ID, and subnet configuration.
- ProjectName: The Project name to be used as a resource tag value. Must be 5-30 characters long and contain only lowercase alphabets.
- Environment: The Environment name to be used as a resource tag value. Allowed values are "devl", "test", "prod".
- VpcId: The ID of the VPC in which to create the subnet. Must be in the form 'vpc-' followed by alphanumeric characters.
- SubnetCidrBlock: The CIDR block for the subnet. Must be in the form x.x.x.x/x.
- NetworkAclId: The ID of the Network ACL to associate with the subnet. Must be in the form 'acl-' followed by alphanumeric characters.
- SubnetSequence: The sequence number of the subnet. Must be between 0 and 6.
- InternetGatewayId: The ID of the attached Internet Gateway. Must be in the form 'igw-' followed by alphanumeric characters.
- Subnet: Creates a subnet within the specified VPC.
- RouteTable: Creates a route table and associates it with the subnet.
- NetworkAcl: Associates the specified Network ACL with the subnet.
- SubnetId: The ID of the created subnet.
- RouteTableId: The ID of the created route table.
- NetworkAclId: The ID of the associated Network ACL.
The Network ACL template (nacl/nacl.yaml) creates a Network ACL and associates it with the specified subnet. It includes parameters for project name, environment, VPC ID, and subnet ID.
- ProjectName: The Project name to be used as a resource tag value. Must be 5-30 characters long and contain only lowercase alphabets.
- Environment: The Environment name to be used as a resource tag value. Allowed values are "devl", "test", "prod".
- VpcId: The ID of the VPC in which to create the Network ACL. Must be in the form 'vpc-' followed by alphanumeric characters.
- SubnetId: The ID of the subnet to associate with the Network ACL. Must be in the form 'subnet-' followed by alphanumeric characters.
- NetworkAcl: Creates a Network ACL within the specified VPC.
- NetworkAclAssociation: Associates the Network ACL with the specified subnet.
- NetworkAclId: The ID of the created Network ACL.
- NetworkAclAssociationId: The ID of the Network ACL association.
The Security Group template (sg/sg.yaml) creates a Security Group within the specified VPC. It includes parameters for project name, environment, VPC ID, and security group configuration.
- ProjectName: The Project name to be used as a resource tag value. Must be 5-30 characters long and contain only lowercase alphabets.
- Environment: The Environment name to be used as a resource tag value. Allowed values are "devl", "test", "prod".
- VpcId: The ID of the VPC in which to create the Security Group. Must be in the form 'vpc-' followed by alphanumeric characters.
- SecurityGroupBaseName: The Security Group base name to be used as a resource name. Can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores.
- SecurityGroupDescription: The Security Group description to be used as a resource tag value. Can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, hyphens, underscores, and punctuation.
- SecurityGroup: Creates a Security Group within the specified VPC.
- SecurityGroupId: The ID of the created Security Group.
The Security Group Ingress Rule template (sg-rule-ingress/sg-rule-ingress.yaml) creates ingress rules for the specified Security Group. It includes parameters for project name, environment, Security Group ID, and ingress rule configuration.
- ProjectName: The Project name to be used as a resource tag value. Must be 5-30 characters long and contain only lowercase alphabets.
- Environment: The Environment name to be used as a resource tag value. Allowed values are "devl", "test", "prod".
- SecurityGroupId: The ID of the Security Group to which the ingress rules will be added. Must be in the form 'sg-' followed by alphanumeric characters.
- IPProtocol: The IP protocol for the ingress rule (e.g., tcp, udp, icmp).
- FromPort: The starting port for the ingress rule.
- ToPort: The ending port for the ingress rule.
- CidrIp: The IPv4 CIDR block for the ingress rule.
- CidrIpv6: The IPv6 CIDR block for the ingress rule.
- SourceSecurityGroupId: The ID of the source Security Group for the ingress rule.
- RuleDescription: The description of the ingress rule.
- SecurityGroupIngress: Creates ingress rules for the specified Security Group.
- SecurityGroupIngressRuleId: The ID of the created Security Group ingress rule.
The SNS Topic template (sns/sns-topic.yaml) creates an SNS Topic with optional KMS encryption. It includes parameters for project name, environment, GitHub attributes, and SNS configuration.
- ProjectName: The Project name to be used as a resource tag value. Must be 5-30 characters long and contain only lowercase alphabets.
- Environment: The Environment name to be used as a resource tag value. Allowed values are "devl", "test", "prod".
- GitHubRef: GitHub Ref name to be used as a resource tag value. Can contain alphanumeric characters, slashes, underscores, and hyphens.
- GitHubURL: GitHub URL to be used as a resource tag value. Must start with '' and can contain alphanumeric characters, dots, underscores, and hyphens.
- GitHubWFRunNumber: The Workflow run number to be used as a resource tag value.
- GitHubSHA: The SHA value of the last commit to be used as a resource tag value. Must be a 40-character hexadecimal string.
- GitHubRepository: The GitHub Repository name to be used as a resource tag value. Must be 10-30 characters long, contain lowercase letters, numbers, dashes, and start with a letter.
- CiBuild: CI Build of the feature branch to be appended to a resource name.
- KmsMasterKeyAlias: The KMS master key alias to be used for server-side encryption.
- TopicBaseName: The base name of the SNS topic. The topic name will be created by appending the environment and region.
- TopicDisplayName: The SNS topic display name.
- SNSTopic: Creates an SNS Topic with the specified properties and tags.
- SNSTopicArn: The Arn of the SNS Topic.
The SNS Subscription template (sns/sns-subscription.yaml) creates SNS Topic subscriptions for Email, SQS, Lambda, and HTTPS endpoints. It includes parameters for SNS topic ARN, email address, SQS queue ARN, Lambda function ARN, and HTTP endpoint.
- SNSTopicArn: The ARN of the SNS Topic.
- EmailAddress: The email address to subscribe to the SNS topic.
- SqsQueueArn: The ARN of the SQS Queue to subscribe to the SNS topic.
- LambdaFunctionArn: The ARN of the Lambda function to subscribe to the SNS topic.
- HttpEndpoint: The HTTP endpoint to subscribe to the SNS topic.
- EmailSubscription: Creates an SNS subscription for the provided email address.
- SqsSubscription: Creates an SNS subscription for the provided SQS queue.
- LambdaSubscription: Creates an SNS subscription for the provided Lambda function.
- HttpsSubscription: Creates an SNS subscription for the provided HTTP endpoint with a delivery policy.
- EmailSubscriptionArn: The ARN of the SNS Topic Email subscription.
- SqsSubscriptionArn: The ARN of the SNS Topic SQS subscription.
- LambdaSubscriptionArn: The ARN of the SNS Topic Lambda function subscription.
- HttpsSubscriptionArn: The ARN of the SNS Topic HTTP endpoint subscription.