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OBOE: Only Binary Operator Expressions


This is a toy language inspired by the C ternary operator.

It originated when I was thinking it would be nice to have an equivalent to the C ternary operator for the switch statement, this was then expanded to why not make everything an operator and eliminate keywords.

Further to this I arrived at the following guides for implementation:

  • Operators not keywords
  • Binary operators only
  • Only use Standard C
  • Use it as a sandbox for other ideas

Development Environment

Windows 7

jEdit Editor

MingGW (GCC) Compiler

CodeBlocks (to build and debug)

Git Source Control Management

FreeCommander File Manager

ConEmu Console Terminal


Implemented as an executable syntax tree interpreter.


UTF-8 encoding.


Comments are started with #

If followed by one of (, [, {, the comment is terminated by the corresponding ), ], }. The active brackets can be nested.

Otherwise comments are terminated at the end of line.












Delimited by ".

Can contain escape sequences (see Characters section)


Delimited by '.

Can contain an escape sequence.

Escape sequence

Initiated by \, followed by:

  • 0 inserts a nul character.
  • n inserts a new-line character.
  • t inserts a horizontal-tab character.
  • U or u followed by up to 8 hexadecimal digits specifying a Unicode code-point.
  • W or w followed by up to 4 hexadecimal digits specifying a Unicode code-point.
  • X or x followed by up to 2 hexadecimal digits specifying a Unicode code-point.
  • End-of-Line characters; these are elided, including CR-LF and LF-CR pairings.
  • for other characters, acts as a quoting mechanism.


Initiated by one of (, [, {, terminated by the corresponding ), ], }.

( ) are elided, replaced in the syntax tree by the bracketed sub-expression.

[ ] and { } are represented in the syntax tree by distinct operators.

[ ] is used to define arrays/environments.

{ } is used to designate an evaluation block.

Where the bracketed expression is an operand-less operator sans space, then this forms a distinct operator.


An array can be indexed, associative, or a mix of both. They can also act as an environment (aka Name-space or, scope).

Indexes are zero based. Assigning to to the last + 1 index, appends a new entry.


The following environments are predefined:

local which is the default scope within a function. It can be specifically invoked using the (:) operator. There are no predefined identifiers in the local environment.

static which is the default scope within a source file. It can be specifically invoked using the {:} operator. There are no predefined identifiers in the static environment.

global, which is available to all. It can be specifically invoked using the [:] operator. Unless oboe is invoked with the --math option, there are no predefined identifiers in the global environment.

system, which can be accessed via the sigil operator.

When an environment is applied to an expression or, expression-list, it is automatically linked to the current environment.

An anonymous environment can be utilized to limit the scope of variables.


Used to demark a block of code; primarily this will be used with conditional expressions to isolate a block of code to avoid unwanted interaction with the ; operator which is utilized to designate alternate program flow paths.


Predefined operators
  • applicate, has no lexical representation, but is invoked by adjacency.
  • , sequence, creates a list of expressions.
  • ; assemblage, creates a list of sequences/expressions.
User-defined operators

See lex.h for permitted lexeme characters.

Where an operand-less operator is bracketed sans space, then this forms a distinct operator.

Named operators

User-defined operators can be named by prefixing an identifier with '`' and can also be terminated with another back-tick.

Unary operators

All operators are inherently binary; when used as a unary operator, the operator is still parsed at the same precedence level; therefore, when an operator is used as a unary operator in a sub-expression, the sub-expression should be parenthesized.


See lex.h for permitted lexeme characters.


Basic Grammar

Expressions are evaluated left to right.

Precedence levels, in decreasing order, are:

  • Primary (Values, Identifiers, Sub-expressions)
  • Applicate
  • Binding
  • Exponential
  • Multiplicative
  • Additive
  • Bitwise
  • Relational
  • Logical
  • Conditional
  • Assigning
  • Declarative
  • Interstitial
  • Sequence
  • Assemblage

Although the goal is for only binary operators, the simplicity of the implementation of parsing gives us unary operators for free - it would require more code to enforce binary only. However, in the syntax tree all operators are binary, unary operations being represented by having a non-value operand (internally this is the Zen type - Zero/Empty/Null). The empty parenthesis () operator can be used to specify Zen explicitly.

The more detailed grammar (e.g. declaration, selection, iteration) is handled at runtime; but is built from binary operators.

Operator Grammar and Operation


left-operand ; right-operand

An assemblage may be evaluated differently when used as an operand, but is otherwise evaluated thus:

left-operand is evaluated, then right-operand is evaluated, the result of evaluating the right-operand is returned.


left-operand , right-operand

A sequence may be evaluated differently when used as an operand, but is otherwise evaluated thus:

left-operand is evaluated, then right-operand is evaluated, and a new sequence of the results is created. Individual operators [e.g. conditional, iteration or, selection] may handle sequences differently in certain instances.


operand .. operand



referent : operand


referent :: operand


referent :^ reference


referent ( parameter? (, parameter)* ) : operand


[precedence-operator-string]? operator-string ( parameter? (, parameter)* ) : operand


operator-string : operator-string

global declaration

Normally, non-operator declarations are made in the static environment (source-file, function, ...); if the global environment operator [:] is applied to the declaration then it is made in the global environment. Operator declarations are always made in the global environment.

static declaration

Declarations within a non static-scope (e.g. within a function), can be made static by applying the static environment operator (:). They will be visible to all functions that share the same static scope; e.g. within the same source file.



reference = operand


reference =^ reference



condition ? true-operand

condition is evaluated, and if the result, when cast to a boolean value, evaluates to true, then true-operand is evaluated.


condition ? (true-operand ; false-operand)

condition is evaluated, and if the result, when cast to a boolean value, evaluates to true, then true-operand is evaluated, otherwise false-operand id evaluated.

sequences in condition are evaluated as a simple list of expressions, each evaluated in turn; with the result of the evaluation of the final expression in the sequence is used to determine the condition.

operand ? Zen

Zen ? operand

evaluates operand and returns its boolean value.

The ! operator is as above, except the condition is inverted.



condition ?: ( (case-expression : action-expression ;)+ default-action-expression?)


Zen ?: ( (case-expression : action-expression ;)+ default-action-expression?)

sequences in condition are evaluated as a simple list of expressions, each evaluated in turn; with the result of the evaluation of the final expression in the sequence is used to determine the condition.



iteration-control ?* iteration-operand


iteration-control ?* ( _iteration-expression ; no-iteration-expression )

no-iteration-operand is evaluated if the controlling condition never evaluates true


iteration-control ?* Zen

where iteration-control is either:



( initialization ; condition )


( initialization ; condition ; recalculation )


( identifier : range [ && condition] )


( identifier = range [ && condition] )


( identifier : sequence [ && condition] )


( identifier = sequence [ && condition] )


( identifier : array[range] [ && condition] )


( identifier = array[range] [ && condition] )


( identifier : [initializer] [ && condition] )


( identifier = [initializer] [ && condition] )

The !* operator is as above, except the condition is inverted; does not apply to ranges.

sequences in initialization, condition and, recalculation are evaluated as a simple list of expressions, each evaluated in turn; in the case of condition with the result of the evaluation of the final expression in the sequence is used to determine the condition.


left-operand operator right-operand

The following operators are built-in:

&& logical AND

|| logical OR

< less than

<= less than or equal

== equal

<> not equal

>= greater than or equal

> greater than

& bitwise AND

| bitwise OR

~ bitwise XOR

+ add

- subtract

* multiply

/ divide

// modulo

<< shift left

>> shift right

<<< extract left

>>> extract right

<<> rotate left

<>> rotate right

The non-comparative operators also have a self-assigning form: e.g.

reference += operand



left-operand right-operand


operator right-operand


operand @ identifier

Used to access the attributes and functions of operand (e.g. type query, type conversion).

When Zen is the operand, it provides access to the system library.